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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You fall in the hansel mechs, your slightly over the hybrid mech lines.

    Hybrid is very good in EE especially in the top 2 tiers (leaderboard wise that is) but heavy BFA is required.

    Hansel/pure spy builds are the new fav in EE as they're easy to build, and can be quite annoying during the fight.

    With your current build switching to hansel would be cheaper and easier for you since most of the ground work is already there.
  2. A spy heavy hybrid falls under hybrid mechanics (25%-75% attack buildings) but has significantly more spy stats then attack.A hansel falls under hansel mechanics (25% or less attack buildings).

    Comparing the two in EE and EB

    Hansels are currently the most desirable EE build. For primal wars would typically require a couple mil sdt for a good war clan.

    Hybrids in primal wars need a large amount of towers and are often large tanks. Large amount of work before war ready.

    Hansels are very effective in EB's and typically don't have as many towers as hybrids do so compared to a hybrid would make more.
    Hybrids are also very effective in EB's. A hybrid that wars typically carries a large amount of towers, which would cut into your plunder. Looking at large EB's, such as A Sacrifice of Flesh, hybrids can usually get both troops and spies successfully through, while hansels can typically only get spies.

    If your interests are in EE and EB's, then i'd recommend a hansel.
  3. If I haven't unlocked the Mage yet, but I have received Aqua and Inferno from the event, what happens to the Aqua and Inferno?
    Will they be there when I manage to unlock the Mage?
  4. When you unlock the Mage the Aqua and Inferno you was rewarded from events and ebs will be in your inventory .
  5. That's great, thank you.
  6. What are the additional benefits between hansel and ps1?
  7. Ps1 is a sub class of hansel, ps1 are more desired for war, but with only one attack building. Easy convert to ps1/ps for war

    Hansel is less desired but has more attack makes more on attack but isn't wanted for war harder to convert for war. Unless you are a towered hansel who has 4m minimum in adt to block some attacks.

    Hope this helps
  8. How much does it cost and what is the generally accepted min cs for creating a clan?
  9. Did anyone notice how slayerbob said he's going to retire in 2015 back when this was made in 2009??? And he just retired, i did...
  10. He edited his post. :roll:
  11. Clans cost 25 billion gold, or 50 (correct me if I'm wrong) nobility. There's not really a generally accepted cs, but people tend to look at the owner as the kind of clan being run.

    Small owner? Noob clan

    HFBF plus? Not noob clan
  12. However, that is not always true. If you are respected in the community or you have skill as a pvper, then you are also a liable clan owner.
  13. Gold: 25 billion (25,000,000,000)
    Nobility Points: 100, I believe.

    The problem with the "generally accepted cs" issue is that people from all over are known by lots of other people.

    I know someone that is 2MCS and runs a clan of 60.

    On average, though, people larger (20-30MCS+) are generally more successful when creating clans.

    Edit: Sorry for failed quote code.
  14. *cough* SALTYFEET *cough*
  15. I mean respected in a 'good' way.
  16. I'd like to Start working on a war build,so need some advice. Currently 19 SOS 9 curse foundry 9 lvl 3 forge. I obviously still have land to unlock but want a direction to head towards while still small n growing. So what to build, in placed of forge cf etc and to build on lands upcoming unlocked. Would like to war sooner rather then later. Thanks for the advice in advance, I'll check back,or follow and pm advice Ty
  17. Drop the attack buildings and tower up.

    (I don't war much but that seem to be the popular thing)
  18. Clans are 100 nobility, not 50
  19. Best for you to grow a little more, indi wars are poor at the near statless size, grow to about 5-8m CS and you won't get these issues very often.

    But if you want to war now, don't tower up much or you'll destroy your growth rate outside of war.
  20. Agreed