Perhaps a Solution to the New Chat Filter?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lIlIlIlIIllIlIlIllIllIlIlIIlIl, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Okay, let me go ahead and get this part out of the way:
    "You're a statless alt."
    "You're a noob."
    No, and yes. This is not my first account, but it is my only active one (and newest).

    Anyway, on to the purpose of this topic; the new chat filter.

    There are a LOT of mixed feelings about this. Some totally disagree, some don't care, and some support.

    Let's take a moment to view both sides for a moment:

    Those who disagree with the system feel that ATA shouldn't censor their "colourful" language, or at least bring the old system back.

    Those who support the new changes feel that this is an improvement due to the fact that this IS a 9+ game. There are kids that play. Not only that, but maybe THEY don't appreciate all the negativity that comes from using profanity.

    Please, correct me if I am wrong, but that's what I see.

    Now, there are also a number of arguments for both sides.

    For those who disagree; excessive swearing gives the impression you lack the intelligence to find an "alternative" description of your opinions, feelings, et cetera. Also, you agreed to the ToU when you started playing. This is their property. They reserve the rights to make changes players may disagree with. Should you not approve, you don't have to play.

    However, for those who support the new system; if you do not like to read it, don't. We're all different. They choose to express themselves how they see fit, whether you find it appropriate or not. In addition to that, most of the customer base are consenting adults. If they find they dislike the changes, spending may go down, which ATA would not appreciate.

    There are arguments to both sides. As it should be, it would be rather unusual if we were to all agree unanimously. However, there is absolutely no reason to get nasty about it or contradict yourselves, regardless of opinion. What does this accomplish other than making you look like a fool?

    My proposition: add a mute feature. It works like blocking a player, but it also renders the player unable to view ANY content posted by the "muted" player. What is the problem with this? It seems win-win.
    "We could miss part of a conversation."
    What do you care if this is someone who you want nothing to do with?

    I don't know about you, but this is getting way out of hand. Maybe take this into consideration?
  2. Reserved. Don't know why, but it is.
  3. It's no longer a 9 game... It was changed awhile back to 13 App Store has as 9 but ATA itself is 13 might want to change that. I disagree with the fact because cc isn't monitored by devs or mods therefore should not have the filters applied to it and it be up to the clans owner/admins as to what is allowed to be said and not.
  4. It amuses me that someone with combined stats five times what max stats used to be at T3 (let's not even go back to T2) would get called out for being statless.
  5. The old system worked fine for forums. I approve of the Pop up for WC, but not CC.
  6. We need more censors please

  7. I will admit that the CC is a tad excessive. It is unmoderated, is it not? The clan was purchased by a player, should s/he not be allowed to do with it as s/he pleases (to an extent, of course)? There is that "Leave Clan" button.
  8. Support! My 9 year old son saw breasts and it ruined his life! This game is poisonous!

    -KaW Mothers Worldwide
  9. 
  10. Yes but the clan was purchased by said player so not filter should exist as for wc I don't know why the new filter was put in place as most people who are 13 need a sense of real world and not sheltered but oh well that's just my 2 cents
  11. You need to censor that sword as well it promotes violance, look at the middle east they are beheading everyone. Kawmothers against violance would faint if their kids picked up a toy sword after seeing that picture.

    Fix typos
  12. Damn! You are right! Thanks a lot ISIS!
  13. I like to quote big ass picture too.
  14. Let me try again

  15. Well, as I've said, there are two very different sides to this dispute. Personally, I don't agree with it at all, but I feel that both parties should take a moment to see both sides. Maybe consider my suggestion. No one gets hurt, nobody cries.
  16. The shield too.
  17. In my opinion, the kaw girl expresses an unrealistic body image to girls playing this game. What are we trying to teach our younger generations? ATA should replace her with a girl with some real curves! REAL women don't look like that!

    And would it kill them to be a little more multicultural? How about they replace her with a non-caucasian girl to appeal to the worldwide player base!
  18. Democrat alert.
  19. If the girl on the front wasn't white that'd be creepy af, bad idea sry