Haha that's an awesome joke jenni :lol: North and lucky.. Guess I'll have to farm you guys later. The beach is calling
Mason you didn't post an apology as requested for destroying his clan and you told me you did. Jenni, while farming maybe frowned on by many. This is a war game and by playing you accept you may be attacked all day by the same person. If the devs didn't want farming they would have implemented as with other games that you can only attack someone x times/day.
Im sure Bubba would love a nerdy ass cell mate for a years, when he farms your treasuretrove over n over. bubba is a Farmer too!!! :roll:
This forum ain't owned by ATA and is owned by phpBB...and they are known to help the police. Even if a thread is graveyarded it is still stored for phpBB in cases of legal issues
Xtreme as far I have he was only admin, however considering osw clans n such. If you do something to aggravate ppl expect to have to own up n apologize, some clans would be far worst if crossed.
And actually if it does go legal, phpBB would shut this forum down, for ATA failing to prevent these instances. The game allows farming. This forums....diff ballgame
I am support on a few ganes, and a few chat sites. When the police get involved, you must step aside and let them look at EVERYTHING. And no jury gonna feek sorry for a old man bullyin a 9 year old