Discussion in 'Wars' started by BoredSavan, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Support  freeday for SH, go to the Beach , read a Book.. Let small atk and mids war!
  2. @King monster - no **** sherlock, thats why I, n everyone else wars wit sh's most of the time, which is the reason for thread....
  3. Support!! This way i only need to beg for a spot six days of the week. Lol
  4. Support. Also, bug a top 50 clan to swar with us on Saturday evenings.
  5. Dont hate on sh, we like wars on sunday too
  6. I am an sh, and I do stack sh and tanks. But I like this idea. Maybe it's something devs will implement? But until then I won't be following it as unfortunately I need the wins to start this clan.

    Full support to a dev inplamentation though  only 3/11 as sh seems fair
  7. Ah nice I see ur thread now, support 
  8. I am a friend of Sav, and a SH myself. I dropped from 7m cs atk build because I couldn't win in we, the only clan that let a mid with those stats war were low teir merc clans. I fully support this. SH reign victories everywhere, and are always wanted. Stacking lowers your hit ratio greatly, for an easy victory, and yes, it's cheap. I enjoy winning, but it was a great cost for this.

    TL;DR, I support a SH free sunday
  9. Lol funny how ppl say that SH are an exploit to's part of the system not an exploit lmfao so was GH
  10. @Reaper, something has to be a part of the system in order to be an exploit. The land trick used to be for any time you built a building on land, allowing you to destroy and rebuild buildings. Part of the system, still an exploit.
  11. Saven is a friend and I respect his oppinions. I dropped to SH to help in wars in ways that my mid-att couldn't. That being said, I think entire wars being fought with 11vs11 SH is just not good for the game.

    Now, lets see if the devs would like to assist us instead of scrapping another build. My idea is simple. Let them set parameters, to which if we dont meet them, we dont qualify for war. Something like...

    1big-9mid-1sh___2big-2mid-7sh___3big-0mid-8sh___8big-0mid-2sh___etc, etc.

    Not even sure it can be done with a similar formula because of bfe/bfa, but if everyone wants similar cs wars, then strict guidelines will need to be administered and enforced.

    Should be easy to pick (from a list) the type of war our clan wants to do. In any case, this would allow wc/owners to allow everyone the same oppertunities to fight, thus allowing more clans the warring option.

    Blah, blah, blah, blah, just an idea for a way to keep warriors happy. (as if thats possible)
  12. No, this game is for all players. We shouldn't punish players for having a nice build. All this will do is waste SH's time trying to convert BACK to another build
  13. With the wars full of SH it's punishing the mids like myself. So your statement that it's punishing the SH to have a few wars free of them kind of lost. Savan isn't asking for all wars to be SH free, though it would be nice, he is just asking for a day of SH-less wars so others can war and have their fun with EE too.
  14. What should happen is devs should limit roster variety. Your smallest player shouldn't be 3x smaller than your biggest player.
  15. Bumpity bump
  16. I would love to see this!!! Stacking roster's getting boring I miss s1 and s2 wars so much fun
  17. Support to your idea savan.. hit ratios still need working on how can a 3,5m cs sh hit 15m+ cs hansles even lb players just doesnt match up
  18. Bumpity bump
  19. Yes support