Paris' guide on resetting!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xxx_No_Remorse_xxX, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Yep, great guide Paris!
  2. Thanks ranger! 
  3. I reset but i didnt get the bonuses wat did i do rong??
  4. By the way i dont wanna reset again ... I hav an alt i will use the info on.
  5. You must not have had 25 lands unlocked you have to have all the low lands unlocked buddy
  6. Lol im a noob but thx
  7. I mean this thread is legit!!!!
  8. Every time u reset u hav to b at low land LC right?
  9. yes you do need to be low land bc

    @ wolf I think this one goes into more detail and easier to find as the title states what it is and the one you are talking about I believe is in a guide and u need to click the link
  10. and no offence sexwulf i think this one is better only cuz its in more detail the only thing with yours is the pictures dont get me wrong yours is good but short.

    but thats just my opinon
  11. Ok thx Paris! Follow me?
  12. Ok I followed you if u need any help just pm me
  13. [color: red] GREAT GUIDE! [/color]
  14. Awwwh^^ I messed up
  15. You should change the size for some of the fonts. Keep the subject lines the same color, the body of each paragraph the same color, adding professionalism. Keep the same colors throughout, not a rainbow from top to bottom.