Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Can you volley me big man?
  2. Hi

    I was just wondering if you have any plans to update the game at all, or am I forever going to be doing goth, noth rotations for the rest of my life? Tap tap tap tap tap... :(
  3. Is there a similar plunder reductions for abyss buildings? I found that my plunder was reducing from upgrading kraken lair from lvl 6-7. Spy building seemed to increase plunder though
  4. Interesting. I hadn’t heard of that but it’s possible.
  5. How do you link a reply in the main body of a forum thread? As in when you click on the text/link it takes you to another reply or comment.

    Similar to how Jedi does it with the chests and furnishings post.
  6. Hit the reply button, and copy the entire text that auto fills. It can be pasted into a comment in any thread. It relies on the post and member ID numbers to track the link over.


  7. Is there a way to turn off the 'Pro Avatar' effect? It makes my banner look like it's been dipped in dorito dust, deep fried, and given a fake tan my beautiful teal banner is ORANGE!
  8. Nope, just keep spells active and at least it will be cooler ranch Doritos.
  9. Why does the forum format suck nowadays? The forums used to be in a better format.
  10. Sincere answer to what I suspect is a rhetorical complaint: the old forum host became unavailable (don't recall the exact reason, I'm not sure if it expired or was no longer functioning as a host or if it was some contract thing), and Xenforo, the current host, was already being used in most other ATA games.

    Once you get used to it, new forums work pretty well in my opinion. I've always been on forums, and frankly prefer the new host to the old on mobile, even though growing pains were rough for a couple months.
  11. Can I get a link to old q@a from dilly bar I think it was
  12. This thread is from 2009, doesn't get much older. If you're talking about another thread, check the oldest threads in whatever section it used to be in. Most (but not all) forum sections auto delete threads that haven't been posted on in a long time.
  13. The charms cap shown in profile is only for wars or also for pvp?
  14. It impacts everything except for hitting epic battles. Ebs are not charm cap limited.
    X____xxx____X likes this.
  15. Will there be an ASW this year?
  16. Anyone have a quick method to getting their first tradable item for fresh accounts?
  17. Random royal chest, I'd assume (not counting during events where you can buy tradeable charms or other items). Transmuting anything requires castle lv3, which probably isn't faster most of the time.
  18. Right that’s kinda what I was thinking, either get a royal drop or get a furn from a free chest. Thanks for the reply, just wanted to see if anyone had any other ideas.
  19. Just joined today and trying to get to grips with things. Appreciate any help anyone may give me. Thanks in advance.
  20. How do you create new threads/posts? Cant seem to find it