PROMO For a limited time, from now until Monday, January 18th, Pacific Time at noon, a special Player Appreciation promo has been added to The Oracle! Additionally, from January 15th until January 18th at noon PST, the following EBs will have 25% increased plunder: The Netherking (will be available for the duration of the promo) Hexavia the Ravenstorm Zelgarad the Accursed Haunting: The Escape Revenge of the Warbeasts Player Appreciation Medal Receive a token of our appreciation, a KAW-preciation Medal, in your Reward Inbox..but only if you've logged in January 15th - Jan18th at noon PST (and have been 'preciating KAW with us anytime before today)! A KAW-preciation Medal Thanks for playing <3
I feel a better way to ‘appreciate’ players would be to give all epic battles a plunder bonus so the free to play players can feel appreciated too!
I dont get it....hows this a player appreciation promo? You run promos all the time 😂😂😂unless the appreciation is you are giving us the ebs for free during this period? No? Then please explain how a 25% pay eb is a player appreciation.
A true player appreciation promo would be the 25% bonus plus the medals and giving each player one free seal and chine for each player that logs in for today. That would should true player appreciation not just for those of us that spend real money in game
I guess it makes sense, they appreciate those that pay them money. Who cares about those free to play peasants am I right hahahaha
Exactly, they appreciate the paying customers. The free to play(ers) are basically the cost of doing business with the hopes of R.O.I. at some point in the future. (Its marketing/Ad spend)
Player appreciation by giving us a poorly drawn charm that gives an insignificant stat and then a measly 25% bonus to EBs we have to pay for? Wow, that's weak.