15 FFA HTE seals give-away - helping one clan at the time!

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -Tr1-, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Indi said it all really but thankyou for sealing at united_kingdom. It does mean a lot and we try and help people grow and learn about the game as best as we can do.
  2. Maybe you can ask ppl who.get a horn to use it at Toxic Sushi? A true startersclan...
  3. Եհҽ ʍɑƒíɑ. BҽςɑմŚҽ աҽɾҽ աօɾԵհ íԵ  ɑղժ íԵŚ Ӏíkҽ ɑ ցօժ Եօ Եհҽ ŚʍɑӀӀӀŚ
  4. VooDoo! Great clan with fantastic people. Helped people since start of KaW an are still helping. Most deserving clan I reckon!
  5. A clan named VooDoo is currently in OSW with closed applications - not eligible for seal, sorry
  6. A one member inactive clan - please try again...
  7. That clan should unlock HTE - I'd definitely use seal there.
  8. Both seals confirmed at UK, thanks again for the nominations and thanks again for the seals Tr! :D
  9. Ty so much from THE UK 
  10. Tu for both if the seals at UK :) muchly appreciated
  11. Thank you so much for 2nd seal Tr1.... xoxoxo
  12. Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands!

    It seems that some nominated clans experience difficulties with activity to support successful completion of HTE, or their activity times conflict with my available time.

    Therefore, I decided to distribute the remaining unused 5 seals to those clans that are available

    United_Kingdom 0/1
    The Ancient White Elves 0/1
    The Lightning Bolt 0/1
    Jungle Fever 0/1

    I will contact the above listed clans owners with additional seals
  13. I would try Sons of Asgard or young patriots. Both great clans
  14. Oh? Wow, that's really considerate of you Tr, you've already done plenty for us though... Instead can I make a request, a clan that helps as much as they can and really great members of council... - L E V I A T H A N -, they do what they can to help smaller accounts as well, have been around for some time, stuck it out through difficult times, genuinely great people, and I do know first hand they have Escape unlocked
  15. Agents of anarchy

    Them guys have been around for ages now, they were my very first home in kaw and it was a great place. Always very welcoming to new members and always willing to help new guys out. Not many clans more deserving than them for a little love.