Season 4 Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. How about this devs. In the indy wars top 5 r admins. But instead of not being able to kick anyone...u can KICK INACTIVES 5 MINUTES INTO THE WAR N BEYOND UNLESS THEY GET ACTIVE.
  2. Make it that simple. Or even a step further. Do like system wars n u sign in to active roster. If u dont sign in u can b kicked however u can still b hit by other team onxe war starts(in all fairness). I know u will still have inactives n will still suck but this will stop major leaking. Tbh idk why this isnt already in place. (If some1 else already suggested srry)
  3. How about a free change Build Day ???
  4. (BEER) Kratos Very Awesome War Commander.
  5. thanks devs .they brought clan wars back .wooooot .thanks .thats all we ask for .wooohoo
  6. Much thanks for listening devs, watch how many people war and you see you make right decision
  7. Support king but maybe go further with storage locker for buildings. Maybe even use  for rent so it doesn't just clutter up my castle. Running out of closets to put it in
  8. Lets try and not cast 8 sh a war or we may loose clan wars again.
  9. How many towers do I need for this?
  10. Just 1 tower to keep princess in
  11. Smart devs keep the game interesting