Lag Issues (10/30)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. what about ebs already in progress?
  2. Yes because it had to have been a local IP. No WAY it could have come from somewhere else.

    Emptys jar of sarcasm just to make sure it all came out.
  3. What non Canadian is going to ddos a Canadian network? ;P
  4. Umm a non Canadian that does not like a servee that happens to he hosted in Canada?
  5. And umm karma a local IP refers to something hosted on your internal network. Not all of Canada as a local network.
  6. Thanks for the updates. 
  7. 3 accounts and only the iPhone 5c continues to lag. Gives other non iPhone players advantage. No fair wars or item bars. Need fix now
  8. But what person from somewhere else doesn't like Canadian servers?

    Besides, we should all be busy playing Kaw to notice anyway.
  9. Or maybe they don't like the Canadian companies beliefs?
  10. :O :O What do you mean?
  11. Like people DDos servers because they don't agree with the companies political, religious, etc belifs.
  12. How long will this last? That ebs are twice as long i mean
  13. To ATA: Nice to see you taking to the community and updating us on your progress with handling any issues the players have experienced from the attack.

    To the players: For those of you who dont know what a ddos atyack is you should educate yourself on the subject. Watch a youtube video explaining it or read up on it. It's not easy to predict and alot bigger companies than ata have had problems when a ddos attack sprung on them and their datacenters.
  14. Developers, what about Blood Rains Epic Battles. Shouldn't there times be increased too?
  15. And umm martin I wasn't implying a LAN or local IP .. i was referring to a geologically local IP. As in inside canadian borders. Smdh
  16. It seems things are finally returning to normal though we're going to continue to monitor the issue throughout the rest of the night.

    In addition to completing any EB's that had failed or been forfeited between 10AM - 12PM PDT which was done earlier today, we're also going to be giving every player Crux Chest the next time they log in to the game within the next 24 hours.
  17. Now it makes sense u are on a shared server. Ridiculous u dont have a dedicated server just for the game. That explains all the lag etc from wars. So when u are warring their is lag because its bad and shared hosting. Only way you can fix it is get ur own dedicated server with fast connection but thats not gonna happen. Im sure u would be sharing all apps likr pimd etc to save money as well.good to see money go to good use
  18. i miss 10 hte due to ur server give me 100 infernos&100aquas&xtalls for ur mistake.