Lag Issues (10/30)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. in which i used 4 sod
  2. "Returning to normal" kaw community? It's still taking 8-10 seconds per action when hitting eb. Check again guys and figure this out
  3. Another chest that costs you nothing to hand out that entices players to seal and max xtal. You so generous....
  4. "It -seems- that things are returning to normal."

    If you are going to quote him, quote the whole thing, not what sounds convenient.

    I really thought I wouldn't see people complain over free gold. Man was I wrong. Guess what? It's free! If you choose to gain more gold by crystalling/sealing, have at it. We all have our spending limits. No one is forcing you to go for broke.

    From my quick research, it looks like dedicated servers are very expensive(and require a reoccurring monthly fee.) Hence why major online gaming companies charge 15.00$( ) a month.

    I'm ok with how it is now. 
  5. I am still having problems with lagging and logging in still.
  6. Would prefer crystals as compensation instead of chests in the future please. That way, it allows players who don't purchase xtals to get some, and it minimises the spread between players.
  7. Thanks again developers and ATA . RL issues affecting a game never heard of such a thing . Get real stop complaining its a game enjoy it while it lasts ok
  8. It was probably some nerdy kid from Asia showing disapproval about the crap war times.
  9. I love how everyone is like "ata this is your mistake. Give me free "stuff.

    A) They are not at fault.
    B) they do not have to give you anything. Be happy with the 2 chests.
  10. Still having bad lag and my eb timers are all over the play. Fix it :)
  11. Another free chest. I quit lol
  12. What part of smash is so damn expensive?
  13. I think it could be their new 'Perfect Drift' game that needs our cash lol
  14. Ty for the chest devs keep them coming ty :p
  15. Actually not only now lagging , u just notice ? In war fix the lag too thanks
  16. Devs, ty for the two chests. The lag isn't MUCH of an inconvenience and the extended eb times and chests r more than expected for such a server issue. In addition, chests r much more valuable than xtals bc xtals r purchasable and chests do not technically have a place in the game any longer... Ty for the much more rare item as payout for the server issue.
  17. Thanks for the double eb time, finally gives us the chance to unlock tsg. Much thanks 
  18. Chests have a place in the game now lol. They promote both seals n xstals. Chests are going nowhere. Soon enough we'll b buying them w nobs just like seals. I bet by xmas theyll b in the marketplace
  19. How much are you betting?
  20. I think I'll take that bet (that they won't be purchasable by Christmas).

    If I lose, I'll buy you a chest :lol:

    If I win you buy me a seal