BFA/BFE/Pots/Spells CS conversions.

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 15, 2015.

  1. BFA, BFE, Pots, Mith and Builds

    Caution: The following thread contains Math.

    This thread is being made to explain your combined stats (CS) also known as Your Ally Stats on iDevices or Your Stats for Allies on Android or simply your Raw Stats . I will put in a number of examples of how much your BFE and BFA increases you CS, examples of how to calculate how much a building will add to your CS, as well as give you the individual and total CS increase of each potion.

    The short answer to this is simple:

    Take the number of the Stat Increase and divide it by 50 or multiply it by 0.02 to get the number it increases your total CS by.

    Now the Long answer:

    When you view your profile, you will see two list of stats. One will be Your Stats the other will be Your Ally Stats. Every thing you do to increase power, from a new building, equipment, allies, potions, spells, or whatever else that may come down the line, is formatted the same way as Your Stats

    Now, when you look at someone else's profile, all you can see is Your Ally Stats which is, when hired, how much of their stats goes to their owner to increase their strength. That stat is also the measuring tool to see how strong a kingdom is.

    Your stat increase from Equipment (BFE) Allies (BFA) Potions/Items (Pots) and Spells/Mith are not included in Your Stats or Ally Stats, so to properly see their true worth, you have to do some math. Also, your BFA, BFE, Pots, and Spells are Not translated to a bonus to your owner.

    That math again is:
    Stat Increase X 0.02 = CS
    Stat Increase divided by 50 = CS



    Buildings are automatically added to Your Stats and Your Ally Stats. So the math is not needed unless you want to compare the cost of an upgrade or new build to the cost of an Ally.

    This example will be on lowlands.

    Circle of Elementals
    Level 1
    Cost: 3,000,000,000
    Troops: 1,000
    Troop Attack: 1,184
    Troop Defense: 1,184

    To see how powerful that build is all you have to do is times the number of troops to their troop Attack and troop defense. Then to discover your CS gain, you times that number by 0.02

    Your Stats:
    A: 1,184,000
    D: 1,184,000

    1,184,000 X 0.02 = 23,680

    Then add a the attack and defense up to get the total increase.

    Your Ally Stats (CS):
    A: 23,680
    D: 23,680

    23,680 + 23,680 = 47,360

    Total CS increase = 47,360 CSx

    Note: Each time you hit a player or an EB you lose troops! Each loss pof troops drops your CS and lowers your effectiveness to successfully hit other players, epic battles, and quest! Now, most BFA, BFE, Spells, and Pots do not drop your CS when hitting! Their Bonus stats remain unchanged no matter how many troops or spies you have! This is called your Static Stats. Also, you never lose troops that are in towers. They are another constant battle stat.

    Note: Anything that is Percentage based, such as the Abyssal Sword, your Clan Bonus or your Edge spell is not considered Static Stats because their strength is based on remaining troops. So each hit decreases their effectiveness.

    So if I have 37,223,920/53,213,600 attack troop stats.

    37,223,920 X 0.02 = 744,478.4

    That means my current attack strength is only 744,278 CS plus whatever my BFA, BFE, Pots, and Spells are.


    This section I will go over Ally hires. I will give some examples of how much an ally actually adds to your CS and also help you make since of the ally market and how to find out if an ally is Over or Under priced. Keep in mind, I am not including hyper inflation and instead gauging how much the ally increases you CS compared to the cost of the ally. I then compare the Cost/Stat Increase to how much it would cost to put a new building up for that same stat increase. If it is cheaper to buy an ally than to buy a build to get the same increase, the ally is Underpriced, if it is more expensive to buy the ally then the building for the same stat increase then the ally is overpriced.

    Keep in Mind, Allies stats to owner do not decrease as your troops are hit. They stay the same even when 0'd.

    Math time:
    My Stats is currently:
    Attack: 53,213,600
    Defense: 53,213,600
    Spy Attack: 288,936,000
    Spy Defense: 288,936,000

    My Stats to Ally's is Currently:
    Attack: 1,064,272
    Defense: 1,064,272
    Spy Attack: 5,778,720
    Spy Defense: 5,778,720
    Total CS: 13,685,984

    Note: My Stats to Ally's is also 2% of My Stats.

    Now say I buy sean893

    Cost: 972,621,064,383
    A: 6,242,024
    D: 4,915,323
    SA: 1,191,140
    SD: 1,386,020
    TCS: 13,734,507

    Those stats will be added to My Stats and to translate how much it goes to my CS, I would simply times it by 0.02

    sean893 stat increase to owner:
    Note: I am rounding up to the closest whole number.

    6,242,024 X 0.02 = 124,840.48
    4,915,323 X 0.02 = 98,306.46
    1,191,140 X 0.02 = 23,822.8
    1,386,020 X 0.02 = 27,720.4
    13,734,507 X 0.02 = 264,690.4

    A: 124,841
    D: 48,306
    SA: 23,823
    SD: 27,720
    TCS: 274,690

    So you are paying 972 billion to get an increase of 274,690.

    When gauging ally worth to build worth, Gauge the price and stat increase to what you will build next as well as what you want your ally to increase.

    For me, to get that same increase via building is if I would buy a Hoarfrost land and put up a Unkari Ice Tree:

    HF land # 17 = 185,000,000,000
    Unkari Ice Tree = 50,000,000,000
    Ubkari UG Lvl 2 = 150,000,000,000
    Total Cost = 385,000,000,000
    Total CS = 246,160

    So for me, at the cost of land and the cost of putting up a building, sean893 would be over priced and it would make since to build a permanent building than buying an ally that could be stripped. Also, instead of spreading out his total CS between all 4 of my troops, I can focus on exactly what I want to build.

    But sean893 is a super nice guy and a VK, so volley him to a couple of trillion!

    Why is hiring allies worth it? - for many reasons. It is still a great way to increase your stats. Also, unlike buildings, your CS does not drop after each Attack, and it is a great way to earn gold if you do volley transfers. Also OSW uses them to clear, laundry, and frontline strips. Allies are also a better investment to bank with than Bronze Bars. Though, over night, they and your gold could be gone.

    Allies are also great for building good defense and weak side troops. Many pure spies will put a stable up on low lands and allow the stat increase from their BFA and BFE to allow them to successfully hit EB's and players. The Ally Market is Kaw's greatest strength as far as strategy, challenges and noob years.

    Also note: The ally market is hyper inflated. Players are generally extremely over priced if if they are one of these following to their owner; a lover, family, friend, clan-mate, or trainee. Also allies are generally way over priced if they are a mod, dev, VK, popular player, or a woman.

    Equipment/BFE, Spells, and percentages.

    Equipment and Mith Spells are added up the same way as allies. So I will post both Examples here for the more visual learners.

    Crimsonscale Cuisses lvl 6

    A: 10,922,454
    D: 11,428,399
    SA: 9,434,381
    SD: 11,482,399
    Total: 43,213,633

    Times that by 0.02 to get your CS:

    A: 218,449
    D: 228,568
    SA: 118,688
    SD: 238,568
    Total: 864,273

    This is an example of how to better gauge a Spell.

    Battle Fury

    A: 25,000,000
    D: 25,000,000
    Total: 50,000,000

    Times that by 0.02

    A: 500,000
    D: 500,000
    Total: 1,000,000

    As you can see, Spells are well worth the price of Mithril!

    There are spells, (Edge) equipment, and clan bonus that offer a percentage increase in stats. These stats Decline with every unload because they go by the power of your remaining troops.

    Example will be done using the Abyssal Blade.

    Abyssal Blade:
    A: + 10%
    D: 0
    SA + 10%
    SD + 0

    So when equipped it will state your power increase. Let's say the following is your Stats.

    A: 34,455,200/53,213,600
    SA: 123,453,000/288,936,000

    Your shown increase will be:

    A: 5,321,360
    SA: 28,893,600

    A: 106,427.2 CS
    SA: 577,872 CS

    This is because

    53,213,600 x 0.1 = 5,321,360
    288,936,000 x 0.1 = 28,893,600
    Then times that by 0.02 for CS

    What it's power actually is, since I have used up some of my troops and spies is:
    Note: easy way to times by 0.1 is to move the decimal to the left once.

    34,455,200 x 0.1 = 3,445,520
    123,433,000 x 0.1 = 12,343,300

    A: 3,445,520
    SA: 12,343,300

    Times those by 0.02 =

    A: 68,910.4 CS
    SA: 246,866 CS

    On Percentages:
    To find out the proper value, simply move the decimal to the left two spots then times it by your number.

    13% = 0.13
    2% = 0.02
    24% = 0.24
    135% = 1.35

    Equipment is a permanent, Static stat.
    Spells are a time base Static stat.
    Percentages are a permanent stat, but they are not A Static Stat because it's strength decreases with every hit!


    Hopefully by now you understand how to translate power in this game from Your Stats to Your CS. Below I will list Every Potion with both their Listed Power and their Translated CS strength.

    I am listing all of the pots to help players who use pots to hit other players or EB's to better understand and easier guess-amate how many they need to use. (If you are to lazy to do math, just hit. Add pots after each fail. Eventually you will have it down to a science.. Unless you are OCD and just go all or nothing.)

    S = Your Stats
    CS = Your Ally Stats (Combined Stats)

    Attack and Defense Potions

    Elixir of Rage/Elixir of Vitality
    15,000 S
    300 CS
    Invisibility Potion/Potion of Site
    30,000 S
    600 CS
    Scroll of Death/Scroll of Healing
    75,000 S
    1,500 CS
    Seal of Lightning/Seal of Deflection
    180,000 S
    1,600 CS
    Magical Dagger/Magical Shield
    300,000 S
    6,000 CS
    Mystical Sword/Healing Aura
    700,000 S
    14,000 CS
    Electric Sphere/Elven Shield
    1,300,000 S
    26,000 CS
    Rain of Fire/Magic Wall
    2,700,000 S
    54,000 CS
    Book of the Dead/Chalice of Life
    7,000,000 S
    140,000 CS
    Holy Wrath/Staff of Ages
    23,000,000 S
    460,000 CS
    Locus Swarm/Basilisk Venom
    25,000,000 S
    500,000 CS
    Summon Undead/Seal of Divinity
    39,700,000 S
    794,000 CS
    Blizzard/Black Death
    45,000,000 S
    900,000 CS
    Mystical Hammer/ ---
    60,000,000 S
    1,200,000 CS

    Attack Potions Total CS: 4,100,000
    Defense Potions Total CS: 2,900,000

    Spy Attack and Spy Defense Potions

    Sleeping Potion/Mist of Confusion
    7,500 S
    150 CS
    Scroll of Blindness/Scroll of the Mages Eye
    32,000 S
    650 CS
    Bribery Gem/Warning Amulet
    100,000 S
    2,000 CS
    Bribery Diamond/Runes of Deflection
    300,000 S
    6,000 CS
    Ring of Shadows/Ring of Vision
    900,000 S
    18,000 CS
    Cloak of Invisibility/Canary
    2,000,000 S
    40,000 CS
    Cloak of Shadows/Orb of Illumination
    7,000,000 S
    140,000 CS
    Book of Shadows/Angels of Light
    15,000,000 S
    300,000 CS
    Mind Scream/Ice Paralysis
    20,000,000 S
    400,000 CS
    Summon Darkness/Staff of Clarity
    30,000,000 S
    600,000 CS
    Spell of Amnesia/All Seeing Eye
    35,000,000 S
    700,000 CS
    Amulet of Truth/ ---
    50,000,000 S
    1,000,000 CS

    Spy Attack Potions Total CS: 3,206,800
    Spy Defense Potions Total CS: 2,206,800

    *Pure spy tips.

    A lot of pure spies keep one lowland open to put up a stable for when they are on growth mode and they generally hold on to a bomb that is used for max plunder.

    If you are one or wanting to be one, you can use Pots to indicate how much BFE you would need to dedicated to your Attack stats. Basically use multiple variations of pots, and if needed mith, and hit the EB. Gage how much you had to use to run a full bar of success.

    Once you figure that number out all you need to do is match it to the attack power of your equipment. You do not need to convert power, just use the given number to determine how powerful you need your Attack stats.

    The general area of need is 1mcs to 5mcs or 50,000,000 to 250,000,000 total attack stats. The rest should go to your spy attack and spy defense.

    In Closing

    I hope this helps player grasp the concept of how to translate the powers of Pots, BFA, BFE, and Spells into CS measurements. It really is a simple concept and a universal equation to determine the difference. Though I made this post with a lot of detail and examples because I have had to go into detail explaining this multiple of times. Mainly with BFA.

    TL;DR version:
    Times things by 0.02

    - I will pretty it up with pictures soon. My photo bucket is being dumb at the moment.

    Shark gif to distract the Mods and Devs.

    kreyz1337 likes this.
  2. Edited the post to include percentage increases.
  3. Very good thread, I have actually known the X .02 for a while now. But to see it being shown to those who may not know is always good.
    Am I allowed to request a sticky?
    Because I request a sticky.
  4. Thanks Beginner!

    But it doesn't need to be sticky. Hopefully it gets added to the New Player list for starter threads and gets moved to Guides or Stragity.
  5. Good point, but this is very helpful not only to new players but also players decently far into the game.
  6. I just need my photo bucket to start working again so I can pretty it up. :lol:
  7. Support. But I didn't read.
  8. Nice thread well done
  9. Very nice work. Learnt something today.....

    #blehmaths #supporthipstergingerarkosa #ilikesharks
  10. Nice thread op
  11. How strange something of actual use on forums for once, well that's a bizarre turn of events. Great post OP congrats  should clear up any uncertainty on this matter  Round of applause for OP i believe 
  12. Support! Good work.

    I've been hired 4-7 times this week. :lol:
  13. Thank you all!

    And AJ, you would be over priced if you was worth a gold. :p
  14. Nice thread. Well done!
  15. Nice thread 
  16. You explained thus to me a few days back, but this is a lot more detailed. Very nice work ^.^
  17. Well done, it's nice to see the concept behind those figures all be explained in one thread.

    A few observations:
    Most people will call those stats the "raw stats", opposed to the "bonus to ally stats". Factor of conversion: 2% (divide by 50). Do all your calculations in raw stats and convert afterwards.

    BFE, BFA, pots, towers, mith are usually called "static stats", they don't change while your troops are depleted. Note that % gear (abyssal sword) will give you non static BFE.

    Static stats are important to hit ebs successfully, especially when your troops go down or if your buildings stats are small (especially spy builds on troops). Every eb has a certain "difficulty" that you can express in raw stats. Once you have higher static stats, your chances for fails are negated. Haunting has a requirement of 28m stats to avoid fails for example. You'll have to provide this either by your troops (at a certain level), BFE, BFA or mith and pots. Note that a castle lvl2 and 3 provide static stats.

    Interesting concept to call an ally overpriced by comparing its stats/price ratio with your next land and building. I've never seen it used before. I would call an ally overpriced if its price/stats ratio is higher than the market's average. BFA is a static stat and has different applications than buildings, it's difficult to compare both directly.

    I remember having a spreadsheet calculator for doing all the math, it should be buried somewhere very deep in this forum as it hasn't been updated for a while. Might give it a try again...

    PS: I really liked you adding the example of the hansel and the usefulness of static stats.