VooDoo Resurrection

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by ihopeyoudieinafierycrash, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. ️Support️

    Lots of good people in this clan, and solid osw warriors. Lots of respect to all my friends there I wish you all the best.

    Anyone looking to join this clan will find a real sense of friendship and loyalty to one another. Would defo recommend VooDoo Resurrection to people looking to find a good home clan and family.


    Founder of ZAFT Carnage
  2. Thank you for all the support
  3. Great place to be. Lots of fun being here. Come check it out
  4. Support. Go VD. Good to seevyiu guys back on track
  5. Support, plus voodoo doughnuts are amazabomb
  6. Total love for my fellow VDR. 
  7. That scared me
  8. Only if Brian were still around...
  9. Support
  10.  doing the doo 
     RENE 
  11. It's a great place to call home
  12. Just bring more strawberry jam. Mine seems to have wondered off again.
  13. Support to a Awesome group:)you guys are great and good group much support

     ན☠ཎ €ཞάçƙժօաɳ ན☠ཎ 
  14. Great family Awesome times