Two clans and a cup

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Joan_of_Arc, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Good morning, afternoon and evening KAW. This one is for the noobs.

    So you are being attacked by a clan (or if they are really big bullies two or more) - here's what you do:

    1. Drop all allies - drop all pots.

    2. Buy max plunder with crappy and inactive allies - and chose ones with simple names (no barcode).

    3. Recognize the attack button is just a button to push regardless if it's an eb or osw.

    Now while in pin one of my favourite games to play is put random numbers into the ally hire page and take a look at who owns what allies. ;)

    If you don't understand or recognize the value of this please direct yourself to the nearest osw clan.

    There are many, many ways to play kaw. Hitting that attack button is just one. ;)

    Happy kaw'ing everyone!
  2. Someone's drunk
  3. Not at all, but thanks for playing !

    The name is from an inxs song.

  5. Amen. My sista testified!
  6. But I'm not a dude!!! ;)
  8. ️
  9. #1. Don't whine
    #2. Hit the weakest whiner from pin :D
    #3. When they tire of you, unload on em.
    #4. Don't post advice like this on forum
    #5. two clans one cup (don't look it up on google)
  10. [​IMG]

    Yup.. That pretty much sums up your guide.
  11. Shh! You aren't supposed to tell..

    You mean I'm supposed to whine about who is hitting me .. But that's classified ;)
  12. Aqua vitae? Urban killers?

    Lol! 
  13. oh elegant the one with the runaway mouth hence why you in this mess.

    You simply are somewhere to put our spies when they are bored - guess what we get to grow and you dont

    We get a nice comfy clan, while you keep getting moved on from yours

    Should be two clans and one pup, you being our little puppy that we keeping forever 
  14. That's what makes it funny - you don't get that not everyone plays the same.

    It just makes me laugh harder. Keep on pushing that attack button eb warriors!

  15. I want a puppy that never grows up and I keep forever...
  16. Well that pretty much told us who's farming you Elegant

  17. Go look at Aqua vitae(funder) and urban killers (morale - ee) clans
    And that's less than one day's play

    But Keep pushing that attack button 
  18. Op never learns. :lol:
  19. What am I supposed to learn?

    Oh wait, I'm learning lots. Oh yes. Lots and lots.... ;)