True Spartans - Recruitment Thread

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by The_Merovingian, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Nice thread. They're a great warring clan which they proved in my last war.
  2. Tummy sticks with Kimmie?

    Well I'm pretty sure it wasn't just a stick..........

    And I don't quite think it was her tummy. 
  3. This was too funny not to share...
  4. Our pre-war planning sessions....
  5. 
  6. Nice thread
  7. Bumped for a friend
  8. Edit: Support withdrawn
  9. Support for my brothers and sisters. Awesome thread Weezus
  10. Rawrrr sparta!!! Ooops I mean bump 
  11. Well done Weezus!! 
    Amazing thread
  12. Bump for the laughs
  13. Recruitment thread needs to be in active topics... So...
  14. I think I'm in  with Weezus.