The KaW Handbook

Discussion in 'Guides' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. What does bmf mean...?
  2. Bad mother fucker :lol: no I'm kidding but I don't think it's a KaW term
  3. Great guide, Dilly
  4. Your guides were a great help for me when I started out, Dilly
  5. How To Earn Extra Nobility Points , Or Where Is It Posted :roll:
  6. Check out Toast's Guide to Quests. It's also stickied.
  7. Several people have said that a lvl 4guild is more lucrative than having a lvl1 SOS so can any1 clear up what the real answer is because according to this kaw handbook a lvl1SOS is higher maker of money that guild lvl 4
  8. Nice guide :D :) :| :/
    I can tell u put a lot of effort into it :p
    The effort payed off ;)
    Great Guide :)
  9. I just notice the one of the o's were actually a 0
  10. [clour_red] nice
  11. How do I create an account for the forums?
  12. I have something I would like to post in the strategy section an it won't let me do It on my laptop. Help??
  13. You dont need to. Creating a KaW account immediately creates a forum account for you in the same name. The two are linked.
  14. You're on forums right now smart one.
  15. You can always create another account, although remember to stay within 1 account per iDevice and 1 PC only account.
  16. Good tho some of the clan info is wrong u dont need a pc to edit clan page etc