Summer Tournament Season 1!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jun 20, 2012.

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  1. Ooops 50* just noticed they fixed that.
  2. There's nothing about it in OP.
  3. No offense but I'd prefer a more reliable answer than some person that "thinks" it was covered in a post. I read the post and the rules but this is a legit question that I would prefer to get an answer from somebody in the know. I also sent this question via feedback but I think it flew over the devs head as they told me ranks update daily.
  4. I would not trust someone either unless I had fact for it. Your right there is nothing in the OP for that, but again I believe it said "you must keep your rank of 200 or greater" in the trial war post. And assuming they would not change something without notifying us otherwise. I would pull a quote from the last thread by ka but can not find it ATM.

  5. I sent feedback as well. Im assuming you will be auto ff, because it says that when matched up, actually in war, no one can leave or be kicked until 12 hours in war (24 hrs). So if you drop above 200 in ranking before you are matched up you will probably be not qualified for the war. That's my guess, but we need an official answer.
  6. We certainly do
  7. I also think for some clans they won't care but those ranked 150-200 will be less able to prune rosters to stop bleeding like a top 50 clan would. So I'd ask devs to consider letting people stay in if they maintain there 50.
  8. Just re read rules on clan page and rule 5 says you must maintain rank. But I think that lacks some foresight by the devs. Clans legitimately wanting to compete and be competitive near the cut off line aren't able to adjust like other clans.

    I really think it should be a min to sign up and a min roster size but some flexibility on rank change. Like need to maintain top 300.
  9. In later weeks of this tourney there will be problems with mercing. Some smaller stat players will bust their butt for 5 or 6 weeks and end up being kicked for a "LBer" to join. To keep it fair there should be some type of player registration which we specify which clan we would be fighting with. This is a great chance to bring war back to kaw. Have to try to keep it fair for all players or it will just flop
  10. Keepin war fair u serious bro??
  11. Hey lets just make everyone a winner! That way there are no losers and no hard feelings
  12. He has a point. It would be useless if a clan made it to finals with original members, but brought in a ton of mercs to win.
  13. The All-Star War is on 9/11? Huh...
  14. Just remember "Second place is the First loser" 
  15. All valid concerns LP022, at anytime we may change these rules to make the tournament system more fair for everyone. There will be special rules for the playoff season that we have not talked about yet. To address your points in order.

    1) That would be correct, the clan composition can change entirely in the playoffs as long as your clan qualifies for the finals. However there is incentive enough that your clan would want to be solely compromised of your clan members to benefit from the clan rewards.

    2) It is not elimination, you would be essentially fighting for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. We will have more information as to what the exact format for the finals are at a later date.

    3) Roster lock will take place from when match ups occur till the end of the war. Special rules will apply to the finals, again more on that later =)

    Players cannot leave or be kicked from the clan until 12 afters into the war. It is the clans responsibility however that everyone in the clan is willing to participate. I would advise to remove any members you have not heard from in awhile as they can serve as potential leaks.

    4) There is no way to forfeit or back out until 12 hours into the war. The minimum 50 member requirement must be met when matchup occurs and when matchup starts. But because no one can leave during that time this should never occur until after 12 hours into the war. Having less then the 50 member minimum requirement will auto forfeit the war.

    5) This is allowable, you are confined to attacking anyone in the war only. You cannot hit players out side of the war. Players cannot hit you while you are inside the war. This is also isolated between the clan you are in and warring with.

    Can you give us more insight to what you mean about pc versus mac LP022? I just wanted to comment as well, thank you for all your constructive posts. We do read them. =)

    Who doesn't like pink unicorns, they drop epic loot =p
  16. Hey KaW since I see you are on your thread read back a few post. What happens if during the war you clan rank drops below 200, will you ff, will it keep going because you keep it during the lockout?
  17. People can't leave so the clan rank won't be able to change.
  18. The war will continue and the war does count. However for the next weekend you will need to requalify by improving your overall ranking to top 200.
  19. Kaw admin, I had asked a few days ago whether u must meet top 200 at time of countdown clock or if u would qualify if you got to 199 with 24 hours left on timer. Don't think I've seen answer
  20. Reading the Rules you have posted on the war page in are clan, you said we must keep 50 during matchup and start. What is that "start" your are referring to? Is that the first 12 hours of the war or is that the whole war? What is it?

    Assuming that that is for the first 12 hours of the war what happens if we drop below that 50 in clan members during the later 12 hours?
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