Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. The best part about season wars has always been the large number of wars available each day. 4 wars a day.. very disappointed devs. -.-
  2. How ps or ps1 can get extra bonus on this. kindda not fair for our build :(

    Pls add 2 more time slot to suit all time zone.
  3. Need to win 8 wars a week for 100 medals lol that's if you don't lose a war ever lol
  4. Cheap event not really s5 is it devs?
  5. Id def like more (better) war times too but i can obviously why only 4. Still think 6 or so wont hurt...cmon devs u get more xstal money we get more 100 medal banners n way op crowns
  6. Devs love to screw use guys first it was guild builds then sh now ps/ps1.
  7. We didn't even get those s4 equip during s4 and it ended up in the alchemist. So for s5, we get 1 equip and the rest will be available in the alchemist during s6? That means I don't have to do seasons wars and I could get those equip LOL
  8. The logic isn't even there, especially because they stated they will not be increasing the medal drop rate. Anyone who gets top 10 for this with this current set up of s5 I commend you and your devotion to iwars :lol:
  9. With Season 5 we're changing up how seasons work in regards to rewards. There's no full season set, but rather a very very powerful single piece of equipment. In this case that's a crown/circlet to indicate your victory!
  10. Why not just trash the concept of seasons? Essentially, that is what you are doing. Seems like you have turned the seasons into a pvp "blitz".
  11. Soooo i have to win 33 wars in 4 weeks ? Not factoring in any losses..... Lol
  12. Note:

    Crystal Refunds in war will also be implemented for season 5. However, it will be based on chance, like they are currently now for Chaos wars.
  13. Im sorry 34 wars.....

    Every season same story. Ridiculous goals only to have devs change rewards as season closes
  14. Please add more slots for war since all Indi wars it's not like clans need time to prep. The current time slots don't work for all. would be nice if all had same opportunity to war
  15. Don't get me wrong, that helm (which was also in season before) is very very powerful but I would much rather war for FOUR WEEKS STRAIGHT for say 4 equip? Even if they gave the same increase in stats over previous equip.

    We had 6 equip each season for S1,2,3 then S5 you lowered it to 4 equip. Now only 1 equip? If anything it's because your too lazy to actually make 4-6 equip (I'm not one to bash Devs but it's proberly true)
  16. well when u say it like that lol
  17. This.
  18. Hey kaw com , simple question, with your life/job/ responsibilities whatever , could you fit in a war more than once a day? Could you find the time to war even ONCE a day? Oh and every day for four weeks straight i might add.
  19. New idea: Give the plays control over KaW for one day to fix everything and I bet KaW will be around for another 5 years.
  20. War times suck for CST and EST...instead of changing any times, why not add 1 or 2 more wars per day that would accommodate more people? I don't understand why limit only 4 a day when it's Indy wars.

    Also, sticking with 25 vs 25 is so mundane. There will be no diversity at all just the same people over and over. Some people enjoy the current weekend wars, maybe not 100 vs 100 but why can't we have some 50 vs 50 during prime war times over the weekends?

    Why do you guys ask for feedback and then completely ignore the suggestions?
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