PvE Information (Epic Battles FAQ)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Corinthian, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. FAQ Updated: Series One Mission One: Warbeasts Tips has been added.
  2. First Bug report: When assassinating the Defenses stage in Warbeasts, damage will be done to the stage same as an attack, but the damage to the Defenses stage is not shown on the Victory screen, just on the Mission screen. Instead, it shows 0 damage to the intel.
  3. People are saying how to get it on the AppStore is this true?
  4. Yes
  5. Lol. The bosses don't retaliate?

    So, it's basically a pwar then. Except were cutting osfs out of it, so they have to fight or buy Nobility.

    Sneaky Devs.. I see you!

    Or the devs are afraid the KAW populace has grown fat and lazy off pwars and wouldn't be able to handle the "Epic Battles!" , lol.
    So they're just gonna ease us into it ,
    they should come out with a third update, where the Only way you can successfully defend against an attack is if you have nobility.

    They're right though, alot of people's iDevices would explode if they got attacked. It just doesn't happen , apparently.

    ^rant, pay me no heed. Just waiting for update to be released in my area:)
  6. Morik, this is the 'ease you into it' update, so patience.
    Later on there will be high risk, high reward battles.
    In other news:

    Mission 2: Cover of Night Tips is now added.
  7. Hey Cor, I may have missed this if you already covered it, but does the size of the hitters make a difference in treasure rewarded?

    For instance a clan full of LCBC highland folk would probably make short work of first quest, while a clan of "fresher" players will struggle with it.

    So will treasure amount vary according to size of those hitting?

    Again, sorry if you answered this already I kinda skimmed last few pages of this:-/
  8. Yes and no. The max plunder/end reward is fairly set to the builds it's made for, so both make about the same per hit. However, since the clan with the fresher players is getting more actions in(due to less dmg per action), and actions = more ending reward each player doing that action, the fresher players get more gold.

    Does this make sense?
  9. Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to know
  10. Calydor the Depraved: Mission 3 Tips are now in the FAQ.
  11. What sort of payouts are people getting from the first few missions ?
  12. Depends. I got 82 mil from the first mission, and I didn't have any ally bonus :D
  13. Were you the only one hitting?
  14. Lol a whole 80m lend us a few quid  any1 got anymore
  15. ^sarcasm font would have been handy
  16. Nope, my clan was. Feel free to check my epic battle history when you get the update.
  17. FYI thats actually very good considering Cointhians stats and the fact that he has no ally plunder to boost his intake.
  18. Yes, but the actions are a little off at the moment, so tweaking will be needed. I'll let people figure it out though as we go further in.
  19. Lol. I spelled your name wrong. Sorry
  20. Can anyone show a side-by-side for the cash earned from a PW vs EB?

    just for proof its actually worth while.