
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by llIlI_LR-RIPPER_IllII, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Ok just that u wrote a novel makes u my favorite mod.
  2. I'm glad someone said something about this. I didn't see the threads, but I still agree they should have been deleted. At least you said something belle.
  3. I want to read the novel 
  4. Ok well that's pretty good that you would take time to do this.
  5. Support very in depth......
    Lots and lots of useful info.
  6. Plagiarism is actually a crime. So she does have "some" slack when it comes to deleting plagiarism.
  7. Anyone who plagerizes is probably libel to be facing legal threat.

    How are your classes belle? I have been thinking of getting a degree for writing when I get older.
  8. It is not plagiarism if the poster has the expressed and authentic permission from the author. Which is not overly hard to receive. It is easy to locate the authors email, which you can ask permission to post a part of their work elsewhere. You will find many authors will actually be alright with you doing so, as it is free advertising that may end up meaning more sales of their product. In any case, if you wish to share any excerpt of a story, it is a wise bet to first ask the author for their permission to do so.

    Writing is no small feat. However I find I cannot perform in an educational environment. For when the prof says "Write a story in a week" i find it extremely difficult to stick to that timeline, or the limits to page numbers. I almost failed a writing class because our of the 5-6 works we were supposed to do i only finished 2. Which I consider to be of poor quality. Perhaps it is for this reason Plagiarism is such an appealing option to youths.
  9. APA is for scientific reports and stuff. MLA is more for literature stuff.
  10. If someone is going to post an extract of someones work, and give credit being name, article ect, theyll be fine?
  11. I discovered she was plagiarizing, so I posted the links from which the stories came from on her (the plagiarizers) different stories. That's how this was brought to light.
  12. Way TOO long and boring
  13. Tell it like it is Belle. ^_^ (i agree fully with you by the way) I just finished writing a book thats taken my 4 years.
  14. Nice post Belle! Plagiarism is illegal and works shouldn't be stolen from authors for wannabes to post on a WAR GAME site. I mean really. If you're gonna go and steal someone else's hard work (which I do not and will never condone) why post it here, of all places?
  15. Ok to clarify, if I rewright a tv series as a short novel, is that plagiarism? (I can spell now :p)
  16. Support :mrgreen:
  17. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    [​IMG]Go plagiarism[​IMG]
  18. U write books what's it gonna be called lol
  19. Plagiarism is the "fail" of the writing world. The whole point of writing is to create. Copying someone else's work is not only illegal, but it ruins your creative ability.

    Support, Belle.

    Glad someone has the common courtesy to moderate hacks as well.