Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  2. This blows I was just in test war and lost my Estoc level 1 and got 7 miths that's not right not in a test match, this is a hick up in these things
  3. This is for no matches not lost ee seal
  4. I think the main problem is the design of EE, you devs chose to make these tournaments available for most players EVEN WEAK ONES. At real war if you're weak you get smashed, as simple as that ! Gh sh or even slightly higher cs builds shouldn't be able to war.
    Everybody is now exploiting this issue, creating a weak build so that nobody can hit them while they can make lot of gold hitting bigs (due to your shitty mechanics you still didn't change whereas you launched many more builds to get more powerful !).
    Just get those **** builds out of tournaments and give them the will to GROW fast and PLAY to your game. This in order to be able to war with bigs and win mith and GROW even more ! For me It looks like you were greedy and skipped many essential steps of the game, always to have more players involved in your Xtals events ! You may have thought that doing this would make new players to participate in EE wars ? Heeeeeeh ! WRONG ! AGAIN ! Only experienced players have used this to their own benefit !
    LOOK AT YOUR DAMN ******* WAR TOURNAMENTS NOW ! 2LB 2Tanks and the rest being SH ! No Hansels, no mids ! (Which represent a huge part of your customers). We all worked hard to get more powerful and you don't give a **** about it !!!
    Weak builds don't have the right to be in wars, new players MUST learn and grow like we all did.
    I'm truly pissed of by all these new updates trying to solve the problem when the solution is right under your nose and you don't even want to admit and fix this ! Don't be so surprised to see so many old players quit if you keep acting this way !
  5. Amen to above comment!
    I always found it strange that you can have a week old account,and compete for the same kind of equipment as a 2 year old account fight for
  6. Today no one got matches lmao
  7. Looks like we were a little too aggressive with some of our changes. Talking to the devs now.
  8. Dev's. I have one word. Disgusted. Oh wait I have another word. Greedy. Oooooh I have another, ehhhhhh not going to say that one. Lol 
  9. Understand devs trying new things, well overdue and great that they trying to improve game. I assume the no matches are due to an error in algorithm I guess that's a downside to live testing.
    With regards to hansels and pure spies I would like to here what a dev has to say about trying a war or two with the scout mechanics evened up. IE) scout attack with no spy attack pots or scout defence with spy defence pots I think this would open the wars back up for hansels / ps.
    It's test wars so let's test....

    DEVS I have sent this via feedback, via email and via forum posts never once have you replied. Yes trolls always write something but never from devs It would be nice for them to reply and give reasons why or why not.

    Before the trolls start this would be purely for EE and purely as a test, and yes I am a hansel.

    Let the trolling begin
  10. No one got matches again. Why? Stop making changes when their is none needed
  11. Lol you werrn't aggressive on your changes you were too busy doing the hunt lb to bother matching everyone. Remember these hunts dont take up resources
  12. Terrible match last night on war 14. We had 4 tanks 4 mids and 3 sh. We were matched with a team with 4 huge tanks with a lot more BFA, BFE, ADT AND SDT which meant our tanks couldn't do much to them and then they had 7 sh and our mids could not hit them so the mids had nothing to do, there sh had a lot more BFA BFE than ours. Such a miss match.
  13. Another terrible match up yet again we've had nothing but crap match ups. This time it was we had 5 tanks 4mids 6 smalls vs 5 tanks and 10 sh wwith a lot better BFA bfe than us there tanks had a lot more sdt and ADT too as well as better BFA!!!
  14. War 16 sucked my clan lost by 14billion
  15. Why is it a spy hansel with 2mil cs can even hit a larger opponent and make nearly the same plunder ?why not just remove loss of spy's from scouts .afterall your being scouted not assassinated so why even lose them.
  16. Hey devs hope your still checking this, take a look at how you matched us, we have 2 lb's, you matched us against a all sh clan. Our top 2 guys can't even hit roster. Yeah I know your working on the system. But while your working on the system I worked 2 hrs putting a roster together. Oh wait , I have nothing better to do
  17. got burnt trying to stack lol
  18. What the f do u suggest we do troll? Cast a bunch of same size mids? All could do is cast all sh too. All my friends who have spent years on this game get to watch... Nah, I'll just visit the app store n see what else under war I can download.
  19. I love when noobs get on forums and pretend they know what there talking about. Have you ever been asked to be on a stacked roster troll, looking at your stats I'm guessing NOTroll on Troll