New We are Rogue Banter thread.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Semzz, Feb 28, 2017.

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  1. Noone forcing you to read it either Dr.Snoopy. ;)
  2. I will pick up on something roni hasnt mentioned yet mr rogue alt ummm if i am correct your banner states you have only been playing for what 2 months if that and yet you know all about roni and what roni says and does o_O that seems pretty weird but ehhh its just the lil things that give you away 

    Silly me there are no more we are rogue alts its dkod alts my apologies
  3. Wow, this guy definately taking Roni reading lessons. She already asked him about that fake nightmare, and he responded. Heck, she even ribbed him that he should take another 6 month break. Right about the time that she was using the Semzz bully tactic of telling people about hooked on phonics.(which was applicable to her posts, and not his)

    Way to read the thread and come correct fake nightmare.(just another Semzz hater) You have shown up a few times now and get your foot put in your mouth on threads I'm on, only credit I'll give you is unlike Roni, when I put your foot in your mouth, you just slink away and chew on it awhile. ;)
  4. Funny you claim im fake yet you have a 3 yr badge and stats looking fairy ish your only claim to kaw fame (thats a joke) is jumping ship from your washed up clan we are rogue to dkod trying to get fame from puns smh....should we all start calling you fake puns aswell  wait we cant do that because i k for one puns wouldnt ask a enemy that you are in osw with to 1v1 you smh really bro 1v1 u in a osw lol
  5. hi Nightmare, ignore semzz rudeness .He now has set into a zombie state after sitting on forums for hours n hours just waiting for someone to just come along and bring this thread back to life.Your comment breathed fresh air into it again. He lacks any conversation and it's us who gives him something to write about.Else he just stares into open space and be's dead as a dodo until we give him a few words and a topic to continue from where we left off. He lacks any interaction unless we give him a big prod. Else it's back to rigormortis for semzz.
  6. Yeah now that you mention it. It does kinda some him up you know those forum thread warriors so fiesty 
  7. Well for one my name is Semzz, not some derivative of puns, so it would be a little bit of a stretch to call me fake puns.

    You can assume anything you like about the activity of we are rogue, my involvement in said activity or lack thereof, or where it will all go from here, that's all they will be is assumptions.

    Your claim that I'm trying to get kaw famous off of puns, (who doesn't even read forums) couldn't be further off the mark. If I'm trying to get kaw famous off of anyone's name it's obviously Roni, and I'm sure she will have no problem telling you such.

    You however only pop up to try (have to say try because you always fail) to slander me when I bring up NA on here or on another thread. That leads me to the conclusion that you are a butthurt NA or former NA, or current NA alt. I'm sure I can be way off mark myself but it seems that's the only times you pop up.

    And as far as referring to you as fake nightmare you should take that as a compliment since the more notorious and well known nightmare,(from the same clan your in) was basically ridiculed off of kaw.

    The more you know. ;)
  8. Gotta love it when someone brings your poor daughters into it, calling them types of metal (ores) and whatnot?
  9. o_O its a game bud nothing in this game should be taken serious but eh it is was it is. Now that said nightmare is actually from kotfe main clan and see im in awakening 2 different clans. But please dont forget us lil people when you blowup from all of your kaw famous gigs. 
  10. What the hell did I just read for thirty minutes?? The main thing that gets Me is that the mods flag with Censorship.. which I can understand a very very tiny bit. But at the same time who gives a damn if someone feelings get hurt. It's a game on war with an Insanely Interwoven community There is Bound To be some banter and trash talk. and who cares if somebody's daughter is an alkaline earth metal. Just my two cents

  11. It is a game until someone says one thing whilst reality is another. Then it becomes propaganda and/or slander.

    The real nightmare, (not you) that we're talking about was last housed in awakening before he was ridiculed off of kaw. He recently made an appearance in awakening before realizing that he was the butt of ALL jokes and was quickly put out as any inactive was when your osw clan went for #1 eb clan spot above sucker punch. Never since being ran off has he ever been in the Valhalla that is the (forced) closed kotfe main.

    You might want to check with vixen before you post any more mistruths about kotfe. We all saw what really happened to aella thanks to ashes, and all she was guilty of was telling the truth.

    The more you know about your own clan
  12. I now will not have to reddit anymore. I wish the old thread was still up I feel like I just missed the first two seasons of a show that I'll never be able to see. :(
  13. You can ask anyone you like to respond or not to respond to my thread. You can feel free to, or not to continue responding to my thread.

    I left it open ended from.the start, feel free to bring your propaganda/slander A-game old girl. So far all you have shown people is how washed up you are. But don't let me stop you, please continue with all of your best, your A-Game if you will.

    Every time you have posted thus far, it has proven a win for me Roni, and I don't see the tide changing to your benefit any time soon.

    Good luck old girl. ;)
  14. i dont need to ask anyone to write on this thread.People can see now how apart from personal attacks you are just a blank for words unless we give you them . This thread is finished now . Cause if we dont write, then you cease to exist.
  15. Pretty sure this applies to you mainly, considering how you don't even play KaW anymore, you just log in to trash talk and look like a clown. :lol:

    Sit down Ronald. We all know you're scared of OSW and can't handle any hits.
    How pathetic is it that you don't even KaW anymore, but you stalk the forums spewing drivel and hoping someone will notice you.

    Well, no one cares Ronald. You're a joke, always been one. The general consensus around KaW when it comes to you, is that you have some serious mental issues and need help.

    Then again, you can't expect anyone on KaW to take you seriously when you rage on the forums like a mad man daily. :lol:

    Honestly, I think we should start a "Go Fund Me" to help Ronald get the mental health help he needs in real life.
  16. See Roni, if you could read on even a second grade level, you would realize that I didn't say anything about you asking people to post on this thread.(I said feel free to)The bigger point being you can ask whomever you like to not post this thread.

    Anyone who reads this thread in full will have seen a real sad story unfold. An old girl (Roni), who picked a fight with kaw's trashiest nub, (Semzz) and was warned from word one to pull back and not engage because said trashy nub doesn't just talk about it, he is 100% about it.

    They will now have read you (Roni) making up some stories,(with 0 proof) Starting fights with people,(who meant you no harm) and slinging personal insults around like a 3rd grader.(dangerous since that's grades past your reading comprehension)

    You (Roni) can feel free to post this thread, to not post this thread, ask your friends to come back you up,(they won't) or ask the entire Kawmunitty to stop posting. It won't make any difference. What you have said, what you have done, you getting a virtual forum stomp out has happened already in the pages of this thread. Unlike your petty little thread about me, this thread is still here for everyone to read. Noone will ever read anything you type the same again because of it.

    You have been exposed as a washed up forum has been who continues grasping for straws,and slings personal RL insults and lies when they have run out of credible banter to drop.

    Thank you so much for breathing life into me via this thread, because before doing so, you still had a little life left in that useless forum warrior
    Account. You should pm fake nightmare and ask how to chew on your foot awhile, maybe cannibalism can breathe some new life into you old girl.

    Ball is in your court Roni. Feel free to let this thread die by never responding again. ;)
  17. You are well and truelly dumb if you think that your feeble words can ever stop me talking . Semzz and venom all you are is puppets . and venom you the osw runner here look at you now in a hte clan. Why not use them seals in a invictus clan . You are known as the last rites and apoc runner .And do stop making up things .Apoc know that i hit them for a year in the osw. Your lies fail to come into reality when people on kaw already know the truth.
  18. Semzz, maybe if we ignore it, it'll shut up. I feel bad for it.

    Poor Ronald has no life, he doesn't play this game even, just begs for attention on the forums. :roll:

    You constantly make up stories Ronald, rich of you to say that. Esp considering how I never was in Apoc to run from them, or never ran from LR either. (LR doesn;t exist,bit hard to run from a clan that isint open anymore)
    But then again, like a fool you keep spewing your drivel with no facts or logic. That is what you're know for. :)

    Truth is, you can't handle inc and you've never really been in an OSW. Once again. Show up in my NF if you can back up your empty words. So until the day you can hit me, all this trash talk from you is pointless and quite funny.
  19. Why you not hitting back venom ? you self pinning eb fairy.
  20. Yes yes. The "eb fairy" who's been in more OSWs than you.

    Cute 1 year old account there Ronald. Maybe rack up some more losses before you wanna talk to the adults.

    1 year old veteran. :lol:
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