New wall post format

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Silph, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. If silph$$$$ says so it must be true! Support!
  2. Support its so bad
  3. Come on Devs. You have to listen to the 2nd best overall Kawer
  4. Are you sure you are not looking in the mirror while writing this?
  5. It looks very blocky i'm not a fan of it. It looks more like an android
  6. Support- kaw might actually listen due to the face OP is LB and spends a lot of $$$$$ to make the devs happy
  7. Support, new format is repulsive.
  8. I’m not a fan. But TBH, I really don’t care. If Silph didn’t bring it up, I wouldn’t have thought about it.

    Nice job Silph.

    Nice job.

    Additionally, did you know if you rearrange Silph’s name it spells “Hilps”.

    Crazy, right?
  9. The
  10. Nobody has posted a picture yet so Android knows wth is going on
  11. I also agree that is too much on the wall view. For being a communication area it’s got too much repetitious graphics with the text containers. I do like the old style better or if the text containers where simplified it would be much easier on the eyes.

    Reference image:
  12. I agree. It’s ugly and a pain in the ass! I can’t even view all my friend connections. Had the time it doesn’t show that I am connected with anyone.
  13. Most of their new UI changes have mismatching fonts, elements that don't mesh with the older text boxes or menus.

    The consistently manage to use different fonts without adhering to the old font theme in place.
  14. Do you also habe a screenshot of how it's affected old wall art by chance? Im on android, so I don't know how bad it is, but I've heard some got pretty nerfed.
  15. Picking a random fight, Musang?:)
  16. Indeed, here is what wall art looks like now

  17. Yea it’s not good.
  18. I am not a fan of “the scroll look”. I feel it distorts the wall art....I much prefer the old look.
  19. It’s hideous - it’s like the designer who did ver 2.22 for iOS had his balls crushed in a vice, was coated in tar and feathers and baked in a oven for a few hrs before having his skin peeled to reveal his ugly sister - I agree Silph, (iMaki) the only thing to do is remove the update which is no longer easy on iOS but you can do it, I have...and then no longer update at store or fund the game. ATA take note, this needs to be undone and put back thank you oh so kind.