my correspondence with a scammer

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Moose2, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. That was hilarious
  2. You are a genius :D
  3. Lmfao haven't read something as funny ever
  4. forum ban evidence thread

    Bumping because I need a laugh today.
  5. Still made me laugh the second time round
  6. That's classic Moose. Great job. It's so funny playing with scammers like that at their own game. All the outlandish excuses they come up with to try and make the "deal" go their way is incredible.

    My brother and I did the same thing to a woman after he put his vehicle up for sale on a third party site. It was through emails and actual phone conversations, but the end result was priceless. The woman was SO pissed off after like 3 days of playing with her, and we called her on her scam. It was too funny.
  7. Lmao, that made my day again.
  8. XD :( Dr lumpy, I suffer from slight retardation, Plz help me,(I wont pinch)
  9. Moose u crack me up thanks for the laugh. Ppl like that deserve to be messed with. Great job
  10. Brilliant, your silly answers proved what idiots some people can be.
  11. Lol. The news out of the untied states depressed me today, so this is just a bump to lighten the hearts of fellow players who are sad/ shocked/ disappointed.
  12. Now why don't i rember dis was i high or drunk?
  13. Lol I get messages lilevel that all the time!Simone said they owed me 17 bill and wanted my bank account. Lol
  14. Each time I get one of these, I reply with "Cool story bro. Tell it again."
  15. Even funnier the second time reading it :lol: clipclopmorganperch lol what and idiot.