my correspondence with a scammer

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Moose2, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Lol to damn funny
  2. Thank for being back this little gem Moose... :lol:
  3. You need sarcasm to think this is funny which thankfully I do lol
  4. Oh my goodness Moose, that's so dang funny!! (Did you eat the Twinkie?) 
  5. moose says: i cant affor an ipad...
    at THE END OFEVERY E-Mail it says
    sended from my ipad omg moose
    i gues ur the bigest troller still alive
  6. I can't get over how funny this is :p
  7. Moose, would you be able to give me the email in a PM or *cough cough* "dalringo", or is that against ToU? (For PM)
  8. They change their emails constantly^

    If you want to get some spam emails, make a separate email account (include absolutely no personal information)
    And post your email in online stuff. Forgot what theyre called but theyre like website reviews. Say, "omg contact me at im a rich man and im just dying for a rich princess in india to give me her fortune of gold!"
    Youll be getting spam emails within minutes.
  9. You can look into it. Its called "scambaiting"
    Pretty funny stuff.
  10. lmao Moose  Glad to see their time being wasted for once - idiots.
  11. Rofl! That was the best!! I loved it!
  12. This is amongst the funniest things I have read here on the forums, Moose you are a legend 
  13. Lol moose legend 