KaW's most notorious

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TCCxIlIDlIlRIlIAlIClIxTCC, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. *posts on a public thread and expects nobody to reply* that's the best logic I have seen all week.
  2. Has to be that damn wandering villager...still hasn't managed to be coughs yet.
  3. the truth 7 get your facts right moron i was dropped from Fury because i reset a account on a member of Fury. its so funny that you too scared to even insult any one from your main account.yet i wasnt scared to be in a osw against apoc for 8 months. keep talking coward .
  4. *meddles in my business*. That's the best attention seeking move I have seen all week.
  5. silverbullet another idiot who calls people fatty and thinks hes cool. you dont know me or my history . your just another bandwagon jumper. like i sayd to truth 7 .know the facts before you say things off your head without having any idea what really happened .
  6. So you hacked in to someones account or was account sharing. Should be banned
  7. You were the one who posted it on a public thread so who's really seeking attention...
  8. I was not even talking to u or about u publically.
  9. truth 7 big imagination there aint you to try give yourself something to talk about. your nothing more than a coward hiding on a statless alt
  10. lili V always butts into things that is nothing to do with him . thats what my comment meant about him just being the flea taking a nibble. whereas we are the whirlwind that people revolve around. because we create our own drama .
  11. You said you reset someone in fury account. I don't believe in magic so account sharing or you hacked in their account is the only plausible explanation you Brain dead mute
  12. I totally should take some time to grow. Just so I can smack v around
  13. You'd have to get out of pin for that to happen
  14. oh wow im a braindead mute what a cutting insult. But your still a statless coward .nothing is more worse than that. and people reset alts all the time . but dont lose that lively imagination it gives you something to bring you out of your mundane existance
  15. Here we have it . Roni reset somebody else's account. Coward? Hmm at least I'm not twisted and i don't reset other people's accounts. Looks like you'll get another account banned after that slip up you turd
  16. [​IMG]
  17. She (an alt or main or whatever) was owned by a Fury member and she reset it on them. No account sharing, no hacking, nothing of the sort.