KAW Ally List (No Commas)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by S4M04NSL4Y3R, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. My phone ask me to call when I touch hyperlink :lol:
  2. Right, we've been tempted to call those numbers just to see who we would reach :) The good news is this only happens for certain versions of Andriod phones. Even if you happen to own a phone that does this, you are still able to copy the values and press the back button. Instead of clicking the number, try pressing and holding.
  3. Sunday Bump, Happy Ally Trading!
  4. I wonder OP randomly put his phone number as one of the values :lol:
  5. haha, no one has ever replied back saying they actually called one of these numbers
  6. What about before 10k
  7. How low can you VD someone? 
  8. Everyone starts at 10k. Only way they get lower than that is if someone drops them, which is handy for keeping alts off of the trader prices.
  9. I know this isn't a ally trading center but I have 3 allies that range 20-30B, 2 are my Genocidal allies which are my alts . The other one I hired because of amazing stats for that price . Please hire them it will be much appreciated
  10. Mods: can we sticky this one and unstick HAV0C's post? This one has the link to the original, plus links to other useful posts. It also has prices people can use to find newbies/get newbies started ally trading. The other post hasn't been updated in ages.
  11. What is this?

    e_ e

  12. Bump, needed for a friend
  13. Bump! And devs sticky!!
  14. Can we please sticky this? Many people have asked!!