I'm a bird

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finite, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. That's nice
  2. I'm turning this into a bbcode testing page bc I suck
  3. i like trains
  4. nailed it

  5. im loving this

  6. It's azure :ugeek:
  7. :roll: I probably look like an idiot
  8. Not probably. You do. Stay on topic or leave.
  9. There's no topic to stay on in this thread....
  10. Agreed
  11. It's listed under "off-topic"
  12. And op likes bird watching... Creep
  13. Well he is a bird
  14. So the post farming failed.
  15. Your post count says you need to post farm more
  16. Why hasn't this been locked yet
  17. The next person who asks that, is going to get hit by a wet noodle.
  18. I'm into that kinda stuff  why hasn't this been locked yet
  19. I'm not wet yet so you can't be hit
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