If you had 50 trillion what would u do with it

Discussion in 'Activities' started by The_Giant_Killer, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. lmao :)
  2. I would use it for strip funds.
  3. Re: If you had 1 trillion what would u do with it

    good answer
  4. I would make everything to attack ppl
  5. I would hire an ally of Harb oh wait...
  6. Im not buying it..they have a plan well suited to another scam
  7. Hire-drop cella 5x to see the reaction
  8. I would drop to nothing stats and just ally trade.

    Would be the untouchable ally hoarder
  9. depends...is this in USD or kaw money? If USD if help poor people and the like. If kaw, upgrade...and help people
  10. I would sell all of my lands and buy a ton of under priced allies to get a very very high bfa . Then I would build a few attack and spy buildings and then everything else towers  and become a super tank with tons of attack power!
  11. Sell the account on the Black Market.
  12. Drop build to 0 CS, then volley RedStar a few times just to see what happens :D
  13. Lol. I would upgrade upgrade upgrade. Buy a 2 trill ally as well
  14. I'd hire the 45 tril renamed dude, full bar atk his previous owner, then ask the guy how much he lost.

  15. Hypothetically, how much would it go for?
  16. 50tril.... Hmmm... Id save up some more and get a few people to do the same until We could strip a top LB player then I would smile.
  17. I'd buy as many Seal of Delfections that I can. #breakthesystem
  18. I'd get much closer to being bc
  19. I wouldnt be playing this game haha, because chances are, Id have spent money on something else
  20. I would upgrade with 25 trill, and make 1000 clans. If any left over I'll buy as many bribery gems as I can