How NOT to make a Reset Bomb

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Odysseus, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. I've seen some that big too. But if you're not going to reset it if it gets hired, then it's really not a bomb. It's a dud.
  2. So when did you hire the Bomb and what happened ?
  3. Lol Adrian!! They need a department that can defuse their noobs from making dumb threads 
  4. Last Thursday at about 2:30am CST. We stole him until he woke up. He didn't reset it when he found out. Pooper said he was waiting for us to volley it, then he'd reset it. Hooli hired it. It was hired from Hooli shortly after I made this thread.
  5. If you don't like the thread, don't post on it. It's that simple.

    And seeing as how Pooper was dumb enough to make a bomb he couldn't reset, obviously not everyone understands the concept so it's not a dumb thread. It's an educational one.
  6. Now chairboy likes to think he's witty, but lacks the capacity to be. You see, chair seems to think that if you reset a bomb that isn't owned by your enemy, you somehow cause financial loss to your enemy? Let us take a look at said bomb...Resilient_Bomb. Should I choose to make it go boom, will I cause loss to zaft? He's owned by AAH, so common sense would dictate that no loss would be incurred. Is it possible that chairboy isn't intelligent enough to reach this same conclusion?
  7. "Couldn't reset"
    Did the devs disable his reset button!

    Or do you mean
    "Didn't reset"
  8. Zaft knows how to make some pretty good insults 
  9. You'll have to ask him. He's reading the thread. We dared him to. He didn't. He said he was waiting for us to volley it.
  10. Pup, chairpad wants me to reset my bomb which is owned by AAH. Clearly this makes no sense. But then again, he isn't very bright
  11. If you wish to see the bomb, it's Resilient_Bomb.
  12. He was bought after I made this thread. You had all weekend to reset it on Hooli. You didn't. By the way, are you saying that AAH stripped you?
  13. He was purchased prior to this thread, chairpad. Perhaps you should buy it back
  14. He was hired after this thread. I took a look when Chair first posted and hooli was the owner.
  15. So chairpad, why are you not buying it back?

  16. I didn't hire it in the first place. I just came up with the idea and planned it. Wikked provided the funds. Hooli hired.
  17. How not to make a reset bomb is by not making a reset bomb. This is a thread on how to properly make one
  18. Didn't know what a reset bomb was. Thanks op
  19. Bought 3 hours ago by a member of AAH
  20. It looks to me like chairpad is desperate to get outside help. I'm guessing he figures I will reset the bomb on AAH and that will pull them into the war? So sad, chairboy
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