FarmFest2017 THE BIG 1Q STRIP

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R0X3Y, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Strip 3.5Q with 7 accts then come back to me.
  2. #Trustno1invro~xoxo
  3. You failed the strip, but congrats!
  4. #TrustnoFemaleW/AdamsApple
  5. Noobs this just disgusts me
  6. OP thanks ty... but OP is/was ty?
  7. Pfffft that's easy..7x24 is 168 bars, which is somewhere around 3k steals. Which is about 90% taken. Been there, done that.

    Now get everyone who hate each other in one room to organize something for all of Kaw to enjoy..try that and come back to me, u smart ass u
  8. o_O that is kinda harder i must agree with blazey
  9. I will admit everyone for most part put all stuff aside n worked at farming. Things got a little crazy somewhere else but settled quick when they got laughed at. All in all was lots of fun. Congrats on the big strip all worked great. Thks all that put that together big kiss to u ladies 
  10. Oh that's a wonderful shot of me. You got my good side in that ss.
  11. Riss & Ren ??? Are they also called youshouldbehere like the one sat in SP right now or has my long absence caused my mind to play tricks on me
  12. Exact numbers are:
    1% = 13 steals
    5% = 65 steals
    10% = 132 steals
    25% = 360 steals
    50% = 867 steals
    75% = 1,733 steals
    90% = 2,877 steals
    95% = 3,743 steals
    99% = 5,754 steals
    99.9% = 8,632 steals

    You get 8 to 15 steals in an average bar (fails from bfe and towers) so lets be lazy and call it 12.
    12*168 = 2,016
    Ballparking 2,016 steals puts you around 80%ish

    16*168 = 2,688 which is just under 90%

    8*168 = 1,344 = around 70%ish

    Either way, low balling or highballing the estimated hits per bar, 70% to 90% is a lot of damage so Blazey stands correct.
  13. Blazey is also right about the 2nd part of her comment as well.
  14. Rusty... you strangely sounded like Belle just now, going thru the numbers

  15. Go a month without having one of your crew members being banned then come back to us.
  16. Any SS to show proof of the 1Q in allies? Jw
  17. Numbers and I get along well.
  18. That Blazey always right!!
  19. If SP returns a strip that would be crossing the line and would start an OSW
  20. Btw I count 18 steals per bar, which is not going to be the case if target has high towers. Bfa should not be factored if target is nakkey lol but also many have spy glitch which makes it 25 stls per bar. Being bc and in a clan that has 7 plus bc spies with bfa I like to count 18 stls per bar as average. Or just record stls battles before and after. Either way, Fury has been able to clear 3k stls on target easy with 7-8 spies maxing. Ask Amie or rapidNot a hard job to do so that Sky nub should find something actually challenging to brag about