Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Before people start saying "post the new equipment", you can't expect someone to know the stats right as they are released. Give it time.

    Only reason why I say, is because people did it with the paladin equipment. :lol:
  2. Ring of Illusion

    Enchantable to level 10.
    Level 10:
    +0 troop attack
    +0 troop defense
    +5,525,000 spy attk
    +7,225,000 spy defense

    Drops from Skorpios the Deathstalker.
  3. I've got almost everything on ring already...don't worry guys ;)
  4. I say post the information incomplete and update once you can. That way people know which parts you still need filled in.
  5.  It's all about patience.
  6. Updated what I could
  7. Seriously nice
  8. Can that mourning star be enchanted to higher stats?
  9. Yep, C3PO. Until level 10.
  10. Im guessing this took you over a month to make. lol. Its a BIG thread.
  11. Max Morning Star:
    34000000 atk
    1000000 def
    17000000 spy atk
    500000 spy def
  12. Though I won't be updating this in ilk's stead, I wouldn't mind knowing the stats on the Ring of Zealots lv4/6, lv9 Ring of Illusion, and lv6,7,8 of the Morning Star :D
  13. Drop from The Viper Pit:

    Desert Cloak:


    Base Stats cloak


    level 1 cloak


    level 2 cloak


    Level 4 cloak


    level 6 cloak


    Level 7 cloak


    level 8 cloak
  14. Cyndaquil. Post it on resilience's thread. ILK won't update this.
  15. op is inactive.
  16. Can morning star be upgraded
  17. What about the dessert cloak
  18. When is it at level 10 and how much dose each upgrade cost
  19. Where is the new sword and helmet from desert sting
  20. Deathstalker Helm
    Att Def 2,250,000
    Spy Dec 600,000
    First upgrade 1 inferno
    At plus 2 has
    Att Def 2,880,000
    Spy Def 880,000

    Att 7,000,000
    Spy Att 7,000,000
    Def 2