Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. Watch wc constantly then. You just gotta be smart.
  2. Devs what about an extra tab for clan ads.
  4. Great change, 
  5. Thank u for them to stop spamming
  6. Yea Thank you!!
  7. I love this Idea Maybe i will Find someone in the World that like Brains as much as me . :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  8. Please add this to PIMD!
  9. I'm looking forward to an evaluation. Oh, what wonderful concersations will take place on wc...not.
  10. Is this applying to the ads about hire me etc.? Not to be ungrateful but there are quite a few people spamming that stuff in wc.
  11. Can you just be not aloud to send the ad if four have already been sent because one of my friends had to have the status message that said, well you know what. So could it just say when you press the send message "multiple ads have already been sent you are not able to send" or something like that.
  12. How would it know if you were talk or sending a ad
  13. Create a billboard for clan ad's, and make a zero policy for wc.
  14. There already is a search for clans in current epic battles. We don't need to add confusion for new. Face it it's not a chat line, it's a multi purpose Fubar serving it's purpose global communication for important events shouts outs, ally sales begging, pervs stalking, etc.
    25 speaker don't make for an in-depth conversation.
  15. My only social interactions in life occur with spam free WC and my 5 regen speakers a day.
  16. Yea I don't like this
  17. Still no conversation D:
  18. This should help cut down some ads
  19. Guessing this is why that noob Culph got a perm silence AND a forum ban.