alt boosting/ Statless bank Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I_I-BHEZ-TiLLiDiE-I_I_l, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. ~New Page~
    You know what's a better idea to grow an alt. do the item stage in Haunts :)
  2. He just said that the TFO item stage is about the same as haunt or better
  3. Haunt stages.

    Give around 3b MAX, as pot plunder decreases drastically and eventually not worth doing it.

    With haunts, you have to first find a clan that will Let you in. Then to actually make some cash instead of 500m or so in 2 hours as the item phase goes so fast, they have to let you solo items.

    GL getting haunt clan to let you solo items.
  4. How.... Have you tried chambers... It might take a little more man power but I think it might be like 2bill.... But TFO might be faster
  5. I've tried, and TFO is best.
  6. Ok thanks
  7. Or you can join Fiddler val and ill do hauntings with you getting items
  8. Another method which relies less on items is to just volley with your alt. I always used this method and easily bought all the low lands in a day.
    Get your alt volleyed to 5b, hit any item stage you can with that money. Hopefully you'll end up with 500m then volley from the alts battle list, new, active players who get bought back quickly. I never took them over 3b.
    Don't hire anyone below 200m because it'll make you go blind.
    You can keep the cash for stripping or construct an annoying turtle build.
    I don't know why people don't like this winning formula.
  9. Brilliant thread.

    If i want to try this out, how strong will my ATK/Spy ATK power have to be in order to finish TFO fast?
  10. I use pretty big alts to finish them in 10 mins.
  11. Could you PM me the clan you used, so i can have an idea of how many and how big the alts need to be?
    Just checking history, unless you already disbanded the clan.
  12. Is TFO the most profitable? What about that T1eb that uses sleeping potions? or The one with regenerating healing auras?
  13. Yes.

    I've managed to get 2t doing this, and I've tested all possibilities.

    Don't believe me ;)? I'll say in PM
  14. Well, minus a few hundred from ally trading up to tht amount and a few transfers
  15. You've a pretty small build for claiming that much. Lol

    Something to put for everyone to note. You can only have as many alts as you have separate devices. While I've seen a few do this, and it does look to work - I'm not quite sure it's up to the quality you talk about. Then again, I'll admit I've not tried it my alts do haunting items just fine.

    An idea to look at though, cheers
  16.  Pretty small build?

  17. Because we alllll know this is my biggest account!
  18. Yeah this noob account is Val's biggest one lol
  19. My mistake, mate. I've no idea who you are. I'll take you on your word though, lol.