Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Hey Jez. 

    I wonder if GoldFinger is here... Somewhere... Watching... Waiting...

    Also Haz, it's #moomoo2014. He secretly likes it. It's a "thing".

    Like Kony, only bigger.
  2. At least we are going to get some of your good forumers!
  3. Goldfinger has spent a long time biding his time. He will make his entrance one day
  4. I'm not a good forumer at all , I just know how to string together insults 
  5. #StopPotter2014
  6. Why are we stopping Potter!?
  7. He stole all the cookies
  8. Hi FC people, my name is ShadowV2

    Nice and big and pretty.
  9. I can't read? What it say non fc person?
  10. I stole nothing!
  11. And we're no noobs shadow ;) nice to meet you :cool: but lime green is the color of our fc moderators - so we instantly hate you for using it ;)
  12. Shush don't let tigaz hear!
  13. I've had this longer than him
  14. Oh tig is a kitten ;)
  15.  too late, give those cookies back you cookie thief!!
  16. Like hell I'm a kitten, I'm a tiger!! 
  17. A nice tiger... Have some cream :cool:
  18. Watch out potter or you may be my next volunteer for my wrath 
  19. I'll pass on your wrath for now ;) retract those claws :p