★The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. HELLO all! Have you ever had/needed to answer a question but couldn't find that stickied thread? This will hopefully help you.

    What is the Purpose of this Thread?
    The purpose of this thread is to provide links for players who have questions about this game. This thread can also be for players are having trouble finding a link for somebody in the Questions/Feedback part of forums. Every guide you could possibly need, you will find here.

    How to Use the Help Center
    All you have to do is look for the section that your question falls into. Within that section, you will find all the threads that have to do with your question. The sections will be listed in alphabetical order.


    SmileZ's Achievements Guide
    This guide has all the achievements and their bonuses.


    Senorita's Ally Trading Guide
    This guide tells you about ally trading and some easy tips and tricks.

    Havoc's Ally Market Prices Guide
    This shows you some easy tips and tricks to Ally Trading. It is very good.

    Yarmes's Max Plunder Guide
    This guide tells you why max plunder is important.

    Battle/PvP Mechanics

    mikezilla4's Estoc Edge War Guide
    An awesome Estoc's Edge War guide that covers everything that has to do with EE. Great read, if you have any questions about it, read it.

    Bellemorte's Fight Mechanics Thread
    This thread will show you the different mechanics of different builds in PvP. It is very useful. Use this to answer questions about farming and PvP.

    Potions For Dummies
    This thread shows you the cost and stats of each potion.

    Dreamer's Guide to OSW's
    This thread shows you the mechanics and strategies to winning OSW's.

    TwilightAssassin's Guide To Mithril
    This guide shows you what mithril is and how to use it in KAW.

    Build Guides and FAQ's

    Vasilias's Build Guide
    This thread shows you what the different builds are and how to use them.

    Wulf's Buildings and Land Guide
    This thread shows you the land costs and the buildings you can put on that land. It has been update for T5.

    Stoneford's Tier 5 Build Calculator
    The link he gives you in Google Docs is tremendously helpful. Go try it out.

    Moose's Tier 5 Q&A
    I don't know how accurate or helpful this will be anymore, but it has questions and answers about Tier 5.

    Val's Alt Boosting Trick
    This is an easy trick to grow your alts in no time!

    Epic Battles

    Wulf's PvE Guide
    This is the almighty epic battle guide by Wulf. Everything you need to know about every Epic Battle there is.

    Our History

    Grammar_Unicorn's KAW Timeline
    This timeline tells you the history of the game we play. Very concise and helpful.

    Sholron's Historic Thread Safeguard
    This is a collection of all the historic threads of KAW.

    Startup Guides

    Dillybar's Kaw Handbook
    This guide scans the basic information that has to do with KAW. A great noob recommendation.

    Dillybar's Kaw Dictionary
    Having problems with terminology? Look at this guide by dillybar.

    Slayerbob's Modern Day KAW Handbook
    An update version of dillybar's "The Kaw Handbook" Thread. Good read.


    Device Transfers Made Easier
    This thread gives you a link for transfers between Idevices.

    This is unfinished, I am still working on it.

    Tortoise's SET UP

    WOULD YOU like to use this set up SHOOT ME A PM or WALL ME. (OK IF U DONT)
    NIGHTBLADE likes this.
  2. Questions thread

    Wulf equipment thread
  3. I've noticed alot of stickies and locks recently
  4. @rogue yes it's the hourly shotgun
  5. Yep. The mods are doing their jobs.
  6. No locks I know they just run through locking spam but the stickies :shocked:
  7. Why? All of them are well deserved
  8. I don't agree with a bunch of old threads being unstickied though.
  9. There should be a forum section labeled "guides" with all the stickied thread guides
  10. I am officially done updating for now! If you guys feel I missed something, shoot me a PM or a wall post.
  11. Yes, for now. I hope this helps everyone! Thanks!
  12. Some of the linked threads are not the best of that type to be honest...
  13. Yes, I am aware owen. If you could show me some better quality material, it would be much appreciated.
  14. You forgot wulfs enchantment thread and buildings and lands thread. Other than that, it's perfect. 