★The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    Peggy: Hi this is Peggy at KAW Help Center

    Noob: Yea... I want to be on the leader board and own a kickass clan in a week.. Can you help?

    Peggy: Sure! Hit Battle List.. Five times each.. No less.. Do it every five minutes!

    Noob: umm don't I need buildings or something?

    Peggy: No no no no no.. Castle code all you need.. Peggy hang up now..
  2. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    ^ :lol:

    Very good. Swabia's pretty good at tricking people.
  3. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    I feel special to have my guide on there 
    Good thread for directing to any thread you need
  4. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    Most of these threads are stickied, but some aren't. Mikes estoc guide will be stickied soon enough.
  5. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    Hopefully everyone just request sticky  this has a great shot at being stickied as well, I'd like to just go to this thread and find the section I need instead of searching through strategy section 
  6. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    All of these old threads are getting bumped up now. :)
  7. Re: The Official Kingdoms at War Help Center

    If you guys have any suggestions, post comments and Ill consider your suggestion.
  8. Slayerbob's guide added.
  9. I wish they had this when I was a noob. Support
  10. Who is the author rogue?
  11. And either dillybars or tortis3 bbcode guide
  12. Smilez is the acheivment guide ill bump it
  13. Brilliant!

    You've created a thread which contains links to other threads that are already stickied or linked in threads that are stickied. Then you tried to recreate the question thread that was already doing a fine job of getting people the help they need.

    1. I dig your BBCode skills.

    2. I believe this thread meets no need that is not already being met by the threads currently available in the sticky section.

    3. I appreciate the effort you put into this thread.
  14. Did you read my thread OOS cheese? Let me know what you think, it's in a link on this thread under battle/pvp
  15. I will take a look.
  16. War4YourKaw