ztockon4 puts clan first true ownership BOSS...!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 8-_-ZT0CKT0N4-_-8, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. okay im sorry that my member who i have no control
    over posted in wc while (shadowbeas11) were playing
    russain roullette and farm all top members and i'm aslo
    sorry for other member i dont have control over for
    making the thread verbaly to insult you guys and your
    allies with apocalpse but since im a smaller clan i guess
    i have to b the one sorry.. but i got to put my clan first,
    before my pride.. ;)
  2. Damn that was annoying to read.
  3. Of course your small, bullies. Dude buy some pots and hit back. Never apologize when youve done nothing wrong. This makes you look bad in the game.
  4. there hitting my members not me because im kool :)
    but if i didnt have t put my clan first i would..
  5. Whats with the typing like that? Hurt my head to read it
  6. Ignore the trolls, it sucks when you're stuck in a place where you have to defend others as well as yourself.
  7. @brig that's called being a leader in an osw. Obviously op has to brush up on some war tactics...
  8. And basic grammar rules
  9. Don't apologize. Teach your clan to fight back
  10. And you DO have control over your members. Someone is out of line, risking your clan, kick and clan farm. End of matter
  11. mayb i sould spank them lol :lol: :lol:
  12. Thank you for handling business on behalf of your clan. You did the right thing and found a simple solution to a simple dilemma.