zta forever

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -SS-BobJoe-SS-, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Zta was supposed to go away like 10 hours ago, but it hasn't is this a hint that it might my be permanent. Will we have a new hte? Have the devs finally listened to what we want and will give it to use forever.
  2. Perhaps, but question is, will the porches and patios ever care?
  3. The decks? Are you saying you also believe in the heart of the cards!?

  5. I hate you all but it's fixed ty
  6. Honestly this made me laugh harder than it should have.

    And Bob - devs extended ZTA this week and next because it will not be available during ASW this weekend :) <-- what the hell is that I didn't put that, just a simple : )
  7. ^That is a forum emoji. Welcome to forums :) .
  8. Hey,

    ZTA's schedule for July is:
    • July 15-20th
      July 27-August 1st
    All Star Wars is coming up this weekend. We wanted to give it centre-stage so instead of running ZTA at the same time as All Star Wars, we have split up those four days that were scheduled into the dates provided above.

    We are looking into leaving ZTA available all the time in the future. So stay tuned on that.

    Hope that helps!