ZOMBIES!... N how KaW players killed endless waves

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by uthorn12, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Me and my fellow KaW players were n the middle of nowhere stranded lost LEFT 4 THE VULTURES to die...... The group came across a abandoned town that had loads of food left over! They nomd it all n then as soon as the food was gone ANGRY ZOMBIES CAME OUT LOOKING FOR THE FOOD!!!  The group hid n a shed the found a huge box....it was endless in depth filled with any gun that u can think of!  They decided to Fenton off the zombies as long as they cud. Each zombie they would kill wud leave food after it's death but endless waves of zombies came day after day. Uthorn grabs a shotgun n kills one zombie n gets a apple to eatyummmmmmm n the fight for life or death begins!

    This is a ROLEPLAY u can be a person or ZOMBIE ps only ppl get guns but zombies can kill faster
  2. *grabs knife* i dont need food i eat zombies...whole....NOM NOM NOM
  3. IMMA PERSON RITE NOW! (Shoots 3 zombies n gets good eateries) 
  4. This is also very homo
  5. [​IMG] sketch dawg shall kill you for making a fail thread... THE SMETCH DAWG HAS SPOKEN
  6. I'll join if u give me some pie
  7. RAWR!! *eats human*
  8. I human with rpg and blows the zombies to bits
  9. Oh and i meet a hot chick who dates me yay
  10. Ok riddle all zombies u kill u get PIE from dem :D n we all date hot chicks if u join they were found n the bank
  11. Finds packapunch n the city hall gun upgrades!
  12. First of all put L4D2 in title because I thought this was Nazi Zombies.

    Second of all, don't use my name as a verb.

  13. Upgrades raygun n takes out another upgraded raygun u get this naga! :D
  14. Also, rp'ing? Seriously?
  15. O YEA HALF OF THEM R NAZI ZOMBIES! LOLZXD other half......don't want to offend ppl 
  16. @Naga_shadow she turns out to be a zombie and eats u
  17. *pulls out a match and a blow dryer* eat my flamethrower m******Fu****
  18. I garb a a auto-laser-rpg-thingaMcgig that has every weapon(fake or real) and was auto matic and only shot zombies. Food 
  19. Gets a insta kill for the rest of the day TIME TO PULL OUT OUR BOWIE KNIVES! >:D