Zafts Farming Me!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XHackX_MoneyMM, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. The zafts Are Farming me Im sorry Zafts but i didnt mean to farm u but the only thing that made me farm ur member is that he farmed me (stealing) he failed and i saw his name.

    Forgive the clan MoneyMMovement and Me if you can but most importantly The clan they did nothing im the problem forgive me zafts.
  2. So they are farming you cause you retaliated against a farmer?
  3. 
  4. No one is allowed to hit zaft members. Thats what i was told long ago when i retaliated for being farmed. Lol it sucked.
  5. So zaft is kind of like old BH? There member farms i retaliate then the member cries to main clan cause they can't handle their own ****? Sounds like a personal problem to me.
  6. New***'not old****

  7. Naaah.. Its faster. I wouldn't say anyone cries. They work as a team and dont fear the publics views on the fairness of it. It just works. Clans that work together are just work.
  8. Minus the are*
  9. Working as a team?

    This is how it goes.

    Note: I like farming*

    Farmer From Zaft: Guys watch I am going to farm off BL!

    *Guy Farms*

    Then he finds someone who actually will fight back.

    Farmer From Zaft: Hey Guys look i hit this guy and he hit back let us destroy him because im a prick!

    Guy getting hit: Bunch of whiny pricks that have Okay leaders. I ain't apologizing.

    *2 weeks later if he keeps fighting*

    Zaft leader: Want to join zaft? Returns are possible

  10. Hmmmm someone talks alot.....
  11. Hmmmm someone doesn't give a ****.....
  12. 1 Inc from Iconz.

    Well apparently they don't like to have the truth told in Forums. Bye bye pots i will miss you
  13. Let us see how long it is until they offer me a membership at a sub clan.
  14. ZAFT Please CF on Hack. Thank you
  15. Cuddle is right lulz :D
  16. Zaft!

    Y u noz respond to me?
  17. Congrats you can steal 300k from me how will I ever recover!