Zaft Why Don't you Fight back?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XlIIlJaCk_-_FrOsTxxXIIlIIl, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Zaft pretended for years to be the man in kaw for what 5 years? Now what they just hit the and upgrade? 0 inc since pvp event ended . only time during pvp event your would get inc was if you had a sword.....its pathetic really. If zaft use to catch a strip they would move funds and counter strip now...they run to upgrade. Zaft couldn't sow their way out of a wet paper bag. This is the most one sided butt whooping since Rodney King. Ever since they made that joke 1SEXYLADY... ( who really isn't sexy at all) the boss of zaft it gotten worse and worse and worse. Many of my good friends have left while i toil away returning fire by myself out of pride. This is a war game isn't it? I know most of my clannies joined zaft just for non-stop hte's but come on man ....really none of you fight at all? most of our zaft clans our just inactives and alts at this point. How did this happen? We made an alliance with Fury and they spit in our face and didn't take the zaft name....they basically thought hey we would make an alliance and because it says zaft is our ally on our clan page nobody will ever hit didn't work out that way. In fact many of my friends in fury tell me they aren't even fighting this war because it's pointless. Well you know even though i don't agree with the reasons for this war because a certain someone is a tool i still think if you are attacked you fight back.....come on peeps have some balls and stand with me either we fight as one or we just admit what everyone knows already that we aren't going to war and quit. This is a joke we need new leaders , 1SL needs to go, harb needs to go and we can rebuild zaft to something other than what it is now....a joke.
  2. Bigger stats then I expected
  3. sorry all have to get back to hitting bronze our big osw target...
  4. alt. If we don't hit, then why don't u post with main? Full of crap u are lol
  5. bad leadership lost our banks.

    bad leaderships kept known idiots ( harbinger) around

    bad leaderships too worried about stupid things like ZLAS and hte's ...

    I'm embarrassed. its time for a change.
  6. Which reminds me kids,don't do drugs
  7. Hold on... I'm confused,

    Is this a rp thread?
  8. You need to stop posting threads. I have removed your last thread for the reason it is a pointless rant that just derails the integrity of another player or players. This thread really is no different, but a pointless rant that you can easily just post on Philo's thread.

    To top it off, its with an annoying alt that only hides your main. Continue to make more threads and I will have to give you a timeout from forums, and send it off to support for they can look for your main their selves. Your choice. Keep all banter on the official osw thread between zaft and apoc.


    EDIT: Didnt realize this was bumped. But warning still goes as followed.
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