zaft vs ZiOnLiOn

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIlllR3P3NTlllIIIIlIIllIIIIl, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Have a previous cease fire - zaft in general nothing but bunch liars - thieves general all around scum - don't give in to there no good ways cheaters liars never really - they ought pray there's no GOD?!
  2. Trying an Ajax..?
  3. Dafuq did I just read? Only thing this thread had to say is I need to learn how to post gifs
  4. You have to admit that OP's post called for popcorn 
  5. Is this a declaration of war? Or a declaration that youre open for getting steamrolled?

    Sigh. Even a decent declaration of war, even a backhanded slap one, would have more information than this. It would actually explain where youre coming from, rather than be a simple 3 lines. It would be more smack talky.

    All I can say for this thread...

  6. @ weezus
  7. Jade - remember this - the bigger they are -the harder they fall bro! Anyone else want to come play against ZD - come and join us. 
  8. Great build op. good luck. Amazing spy defence.
  9. Lmao at popcorn pics, anyone got popcorn for me?
  10. No. No popcorn for you.
  11. I like the Dis Gon B Gud picture
  12. Lmao me too
  13. Nigga , you on some craze ****
  14. support for butthurt threads

  15. What's an Empeor???
  16. It's never a good sign when you can't even spell your own name 