Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Death_Doc (01), Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Honestly, I'd like to know what most people think about this. Who do you think will win in the end and who is winning right now? Is zaft all talk? Or will they actually do something?..
  2. Omg death
  3. Not another one... :p
  4. Damn you death... Making us all look like forums fighters

    They do say, the pen is mightier then the sword.
  5. 3T strip today on one player....
  6. Comly, I like it.... Lol
  7. No threads bro, reserve those for the people in charge

    And don't trash talk, we are above that 
  8. Apocalypse for the win
    Zaft are too protective to let their members have one vs ones :(
  9. I know >.< damn I wish I was in charge.
  10. Just my observation, but wow Apoc members saying they wish they was in charge. Does this mean your leadership isn't good? Sounds like y'all don't like the way your leaders are leading.
  11. They are talking about being in charge of Zaft :roll:
  12. I think both clans will lose numerous members if they continue this way. OSWs that span over a series of months usually end with only the most loyal of players staying on each side until both clans' activity levels drop.

    At least that's what I've experienced. I've noticed that once one clan begins to get lots of runners, they drop out, causing a chain reaction among clans.
  13. You're an idiot, our leaders are pristine and quite professional. I couldn't ask for anything better than those that we have.

    Do you see them leaving to go play in little EE wars? No.

    We were playing around and said that so we could post on forums. I Swear, stupidity is a disease that forever will curse the idiots on this planet. I pity you really.
  14. No I think, it's like at school.. You always want to be the teacher until you realise how hard the teacher gets it.
  15. Uh no you moron. They are talking about being in charge of their clan
  16. Of purse oli, I'd cover my butt to by saying you was only kidding. I'm sure your clan would kick you and farm you if they knew you was serious. I could care less if you pity me. Be a good little boy and do as your clan says. Don't be posting forums.
  17. So, since all the ZAFT clans are together, they'll stay in the war together. I'm rooting for ZAFT because I'm a ZAFT fanboy who hasn't been in either side of the war :lol:

    But seriously, I think that under Laoda's leadership, ZAFT will come out on top.
  18. Exactly comely xD
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