zaft vs apoc betting polls

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XP-NUCKENFUTS-PX, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Hey all me VILLY here if I've been following the forums lately somehow I've made myself pretty infamous over the last day or so

    Any as the title says I'm opening a betting poll on zaft and apocalypse so all feel free to post you bets and odds on the outcome of this scuffle between the mafia and triad of kaw.

    Winner gets absolutely nothing. I'm not even going to follow this is for pure comedy purposes only

    Anyway I will say this as a personal guarantee if zaft loses I will reset

    ZAFT 100$ 300-1 ODDS
  2. Or are the odds supposed to be other way around meh to hell with it I don't normally gamble so sue me if I get the terms wrong
  3. I'm in apocalypse so I'm gonna go with it.
  4. Wonder full did you read my original post place your bet and the odds of your bet in your comment
  5. I'm not betting anything!
  6. 100 trillion on apoc,what happens if I win??
  7. Read the post it's all there
  8. If ZAFT loses, I will reset too
  9. I don't like zaft but I bet may balls zaft will dismantle apoc like another uwf vs zig war
  10. I know ZAFT is the strongest alliances in KAW, so against all odds, i will put my bet on Apocalypse.
  11. Foxes, you have no place in this thread, or any involving Zaft and Apocalypse. We have friends on both sides. ANY derogatory posts by a Fox will be met with a drop from Fox family and any protection we can provide. You are warned.
    Galan Dracos
    Order of the Fox
  12. Ermergerd... Foxes! 
  13. Villy shut up. You're like an attention seeking kid.
  14. Not seeking attention I've simply placed a bet on zaft winning I thought other people might have a bet to place so figured wy the hell not start a bet forum
  15. I'll put my credit card down if ZAFT loses.
  16. Apoc all the way
  17. Keep dreaming to see Zaft or Apocalypse destroyed. No side have the power to destroy the other side. They are to balanced (on side have the size, the other side have stamina). But in a long war both sides will partially fan-boys will be disappointed. Both sides haters will be satisfied. And oh... Those blood thisty, popcorn eaters (that "I need more popcorm" is annoyinglike hell) won't be able to see LB players blood. Some might bleed, but won't be visible on the leaderboard.
    The be in line with new forums fashion:
