Zaft, the 'tough guys'

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cha0z, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Hey forums. I'm just making a thread about the Zaft-Apoc war which yes, I am partaking in. Now the things is, Laoda and Zaft think they're all tough... They're like 'OMG, hatf1eld has dropped about ten spots on the LB, were the best! But the thing is, if Laoda and Red took the time to think things through, they would come to the realization that they too, have dropped a few spots on the LB during this war.

    Thanks for listening.

    P.S Epic fail with the whole Luna thing Zaft ;)
  2. we're the best, apologies to any Grammar Nazi's out there
  3. ZAFT corp has risen to 7th ZD is still 2nd MG have dropped but HiT and HoG are still going strong, Folk in both apoc and ZAFT who are actually partaking are probably enjoying it. CR and KotFE a few in TS will go long after they are naked though as well as a majority in ZAFT as most are no strangers to OSW whether that be in GaW or here. and Redstar and Laoda are still ruling the roost in the ally LB but thats anyones guess as is who the winner of this OSW will be.
  4. Another one posted with an alt, probably means I don't care
  5. IMO, with Red, Cella, and Laoda's combined attack against Chongo, Chongo will be overthrown by Cella. As for Laoda and co. dropping in LB, the top 8/10 were all in OSW last time I checked (a while ago)