Zaft members stripping Renagades during war against Protake

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MaximusWang, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Right After joining the renegades and joining the war; I quickly hit used all my troops. Next thing I know, xsilverx starts buying allies of mine. Not a big deal at first. After 10bil I checked to see if he was shopping range or me. These screen shots I took prove he was stripping me. Allso, a few other protake members were buying my allies well. I kept myself pin cause they've been triying to steal
  2. Sorry, accidentally sent b/f I was done and posted
  3. Well crap, how do you post pics?
  4. Download photobucket
  5. First take ss


    then go to appstore and download photobucket


    create an account there then go to upload


    then go to picture and click on "i" in bottom right corner


    then u should get to this screen


    click on long address after IMG: then the photo code will be copied to your clipboard
  6. Hey max... I almost defeat ZAFTī„Imagine the stripping for me after war
  7. Who is going to help you? Zaft is the top dog and they can do what they want. No one can stop them. Might as well accept and try to rebuild.
  8. I'm sure they feel threatend by you.
  9. LoL idk