Zaft members hiding behind Zaft

Discussion in 'Wars' started by urnightmare, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. This is not a hate thread to Zaft and as you clearly see this is my main. Well recently a Member of Zaft wanted to 1v1 me then all the sudden multiple people attacked me, we'll it turns out the Zaft member framed me of farming him. This isn't the first time this has happened it had happened to my alt and friend. I would just like to note you can't hide forever. There will be a day when they won't back you up and that's the day I will come again
  2. You have ss of him saying he wants a 1v1?
  3. I sense but thirst
  4. Damn autocorrect. Butthurt*
  5. Maybe he just has multiple accounts?
  6. hahhahahaha butt thirst
  7. Lol this wasn't a very smart thread
  8. I like OP's title.. "Sleep if you dare" .. Owwwww... Very scary... I MIGHT HAVE NIGHTMARES BECAUSE OF THIS 

    but i will poke you 


  9. LMAO
    Bro a few pple call it hiding but no one hides and Zaft aint never hidden they r in wc everyday and when its firdays its always farming fridays for anyone up to it. If u was hit by multiple people its because u said something very disrespectfull if u one on one it u dnt brag and u shure the hell dnt trash talk, u make the bed u sleep in.
  10. Wait wait wait...

    So this has happened to your alt (you) and a friend previously in the past, yet this time you thought would be different?


    Not sure what you're bitching about but it sounds like its your own damn fault. Even if what you say is true it's your own fault. There is no honor among clans anymore.
  11. So you are good at sensing the but thirst eh?
  12. Wow if this is a post trying to explain the apocalypse family vs the zaft family OSW then u guys over at apocalypse really needa sought your stories out seriously how many excuses are u guys going to come up with that contradict each other if it isn't to bad so sad ima put my 2 cents in wether u want me to or not. So here I go 1. U fail 2. U fail. 3. U fail......... Now imagine that those dots where what I just said but in a manner depicting that it goes on forever because I really don't want to type that long.

  13. Omg titan that's the most epic pic I've ever seen in forums. Kudos to you sir.
  14. Whos hiding. Ur not worth my time here . Wait ur turn
  15. I lol'd at the Pic. Sooooooo cute.
  16. I won't get involved in the politics, but its refreshing to see a player who talks smack with his/her main
  17. But Thirst! Lol
  18. If you ment me thank you it's refreshing to be praised by an inteligent sentient being