Zaft and Estoc Wars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *________BALLS_____________ (01), Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Nice job on the win, you must be the only clan that takes advantage of everything and anything, KAW must come up with a better way to lock rosters for wars, because all I have notice is that Zaft recruits there Ace members and stock piles them in one of there clans for War for a easy win, also it seems they like to rotate before sign up, good job losers nice way to take advantage of KAW, I like how Urban Legends Threw the War in the trash because of the disadvantage , maybe that is what all clans should do when you get Zaft in War just give up, I must admit KAW needs to find a way to fix this or you can just figure that Zaft is the winner and it is over, I hope that one Day a group of Clans Join together to destroy this group of bullies
  2. Bullies? Hardly? Dedicated group of KaWers? Indeed. I do agree with a fix on EE wars of some sort, it was essentially a Pwar.
  3. .... Op stop noob raging
  4. @Knight

    His rage on Zaft is the only problem. His opinion on the EE war against UL is valid. What happened in that "war" was definitely not how it was intended to be fought.
  5. Agreed I was unfamiliar with the situation at first .. Though I was surprised to see the mith payouts so low. That's devs possible way of making it less like a pwar
  6. What exactly happened in that war?
  7. I'am new to this game, but this player seems to be correct, I would think members of Zaft would be bored with the easy wins, Iam already bored with these epic battles, it seems to be routine but addicting
  8. I feel like such a wee follower of IGCB but he just speaks so much truth I can't help but agree with everything he says :shock:
  9. Where's your main you silly fool?
  10. Wait isnt that the objective of the war, to beat your opponent by a significant amount? Everyone has the opportunity to stockpile huge accounts in a clan, ZAFT seems to be the only one doing it with 100 huge accounts.
  11. There's a reason you lost. They know the game better. The war match ups aren't easy. Make your own if you're so desperate. Estoc match ups are random. It's based on strength, not nesecarily members, or activeness, or experience. Someone has to lose. Look up the clan Taka
  12. Can someone please explain what happened in the war? I know that it was 380 bil ZAFT and 0 for Urban. How exactly did that happen?
  13. @ op with a name like that I venture you're not exactly unbiased and why post with a zero stat account if you have a serious point to make?

    Surely putting your best team together to try and win is what everyone does.
  14. I need an account small enough to farm those noob alts...
  15. For those who can't figure this out. Usually the clan with 0 plunder won't hit back and will open OAF/Osf. They may also not open up and refuse to hit back. This results in a PW which pays crap. Hence the low mith won.
  16. Rather all those big players be in one clan now u don't got to worry about them being spread out. Zaft in a way allows more wars to be even enless u face zodiac main. That's just my opinion though. Having faced them in a war nothig but respect to people that just want to win, and don't cry over forfeit. Hope to eventually war them on a even level.
  17. ZAFT please don't post on this thread

    We know the details here. Let alt noobs create bs threads in peace.

    ZAFT Destiny
  18. The details are simple...The Urban Legends family rolled over because they are joining ZAFT.

    KAW = GAW ... all clans will now be ZAFT.

    ZAFT Uber Alles!!!
  19. Many groups create other smaller specialist groups to do this. Creating an ee war group is a constant art. So singling out one clan group is not quite fair.
  20. Zaft remind me of majesty in clan form…lol deja vu anyone? ;p