This is for all the people who are whining that new land/bldgs make it harder for new guys. You couldn't be more wrong. This is real easy if you just think instead of reacting emotionally. Growth and size in this game is based on 2 things: Buildings and allies. Obviously buildings are the cheaper way to grow. That's why most wait until they've maxed their lands and blgs before amassing $T's in allies. And it's those allies that make the huge guys so damn huge. So let's see how new land/bldgs affect big guys. Every time new land or new bldgs get released, everyone's money goes toward the new land/bldgs. This creates a huge shortage of buyers in the ally market. This in turn has 2 significant effects on guys holding big money in allies. First, without anyone to buy their allies and desperate to have the new bldgs/land, many drop allies at MAJOR costs to free up the cash. This can cost $T's in losses and essentially negates months worth of work. The second way it affects big guys is that it causes ally prices to crash. Big guys are then stuck with overpriced allies that won't sell or quit before the market comes back (I still have $3T of useless allies from the T5 release). There are several minor effects, too. Larger guys have to reconsider their build. Many, if not all, will end up changing their builds. A lot of money is going to get spent changing LL and HL lands to create better efficiency in stats and plunder. All of this translates into lost gold/wasted time for big accts. So far I've focused on the way it hurts big builds. Now I'll try to briefly explain how it benefits small/new guys. First, the path is paved for you. 100's of us spent (and will continue to spend) a lot of time and money trying different builds and learning what works best. And most of us share that information freely. It saves noobs from having to waste that same time/money. We blaze the trail for you. Second, you don't have to build T1, then sell to build T2, then T3....T5/T6. You can skip levels. You can say, "Since T4 is so frikkin cheap now, I'm gonna skip T3 and not waste the money." Or you can be really smart and just go from GH to T5. We didn't have those options. T4 and T5 didn't exist to skip up to. Most of us built each level. (Okay, I admit I skipped T3). And, we paid twice as much to get T4! You little bastages get off cheap. Still not getting it? Big guys spent years getting as big as they are. And while you are correct in assessing that noobs won't catch LB guys (unless you spend 1000's of real dollars), they shouldn't. But the good thing for small guys is that you can get to just about any given size in this game nearly twice as fast as the guys who came years before you. And every new land/bldg that comes out only narrows the gap even more by giving you a shorter path after we took the long way. So stop whining you big babies.
All insults aside, good points are made. OP really should have tried to stay unbiased in this thread.
Ummm, if a person you never met and don't know their name did nothing more than put some words on an internet page that had absolutely no consequences in real life and you find yourself insulted, you are a complete tool. I also can't help but notice my critics happen to be little tattle-tales. Shocking!
Lol says stop whining you big babies, after he finishes whining about people whining. So funny. Next time try to put your point across without having to insult people you don't even know. Just makes you look like an hypocritical idiot. I'm sure it would have been interesting. But since you acted like a prick right off the bat, I didn't even want to read it :lol:
And I didn't call him a prick, I don't know him and that would be just hypocritical of me. I said he acted like a prick
Shame about the title detracting from a very good post. I hope the point of this post doesn't get lost because of the title. Most and I admit like myself ( tho reserved judgment) feared devs may do something crazy with the land prices. However they haven't. This is a very well thought out price structure that should level out over time for all players. The lvl 2-3 prices have yet to be released but if they follow line with land prices things will remain as balanced as now. Will players be deterred from staying in the game when they learn how long the path of growth is ?? Up to each one it may deter some honestly but long term players will still come we hope. And we have yet to see the devs new eb payment structure. This may be an even bigger advantage to today's players. Those who started years ago will always have a lead through BFA build or whatever the latest is. The only thing I would have done differently if I were planning this would be to have lands released in stages then levels prolonging the build and experimental stages and allowing some ability to keep up with those at your level. Also if would slow the desire to dump allies and destabilise the market with a set agenda. Plus to me it gives us something to look forward too if they were say released 5 lands a month. That would perhaps reduce any risk of losing ee players from those wars. But time will tell. Certainly nothing to scare here and nice points op.